Stick your oar in 插手管闲事

Oxford University training for the University Boat Race.

The Oxford University Blue boat in training for the 158th University Boat Race. Photo by Richard Heathcote.

Stick your oar in 插手管闲事


Rowing fans are awaiting the 158th University Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge Universities on 7th April 2012. Cambridge University has won the race on the Thames 80 times, with Oxford’s crew taking 76 victories. In 1877 the race was deemed a dead heat.


如果你 stick your oar into something, 意思就是没有得到别人的允许或者邀请就自以为是的发表意见,插手管闲事儿。


I was managing the project well until the boss came along and stuck his oar in!

We're keeping the plans for the party a secret – otherwise everyone will try to stick their oar in and give their suggestions for it.

I can't stand our new neighbour – she's always sticking her oar into our business.


另一个短语 to stick your nose into something 也有相似的意思,表示多管闲事儿。

David is always sticking his nose in where it isn’t wanted.

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