Swallowed up 吞并

A woman poses for a photograph with a painting during an exhibition in Taipei.

A woman poses for a photograph with a painting during an exhibition in Taipei. Photo by Shengfa Lin.


To be swallowed up 意思是吞并,统战的意思。在商业中意思是接管。



This photo shows a painting from the Takao Trick Art Museum of Japan. The history of trick art is about 2,000 years old. It had become an established art form by the time of the Renaissance era. The theme of the concept at the Takao Trick Art Museum is essentially the same as the illusionism of that era; that is creating the optical illusion that depicts objects really exist, instead of being just two-dimensional paintings.


London has grown so much that is has swallowed up all the outlying villages.

Food and heating swallows up much of our household income.

The company was swallowed up in a corporate merger.


另一个短语 to swallow it – 意思是忍气吞声地接受什么东西。

Customers will just have to swallow the price rises.

You've got no choice about the decision so just swallow it and move on.

We've lost the deposit on the holiday, we will have just have to swallow it.

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