One in the eye 惨败

An eye

The eye has six muscles which control its movement. Photo: BBC


Can you tell when someone is lying by looking at their eyes? Many psychologists think when a person looks up to their right they are likely to be telling a lie and when they look quickly up to their left they are being honest. But researchers from Edinburgh University and Hertfordshire University say there is no scientific evidence for this.



如果一件事对某人来说是 one in the eye, 意思就是此人对事情的结果感到无比失望或受到了严重打击,不过你却对这样的结果感到高兴。


I got the job! That's one in the eye for John - I've never liked him and I was sure he would get the position. Ha!

Our winning the championship was one in the eye for our rival team - they are always boasting about their skills.


短语 see eye to eye 的意思是看法、意见完全一致。

I like my new boss: we see eye to eye on how to run the department.

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