
四六级听力必背的120个习语:die down等

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月23日 18:01   新浪教育

  die down - become quiet ,become less

  do without - manage without something

  drop by - visit informally; pay a short visit every other - alternate

  fall behind - lag; fail to accomplish something on time

  fall through - fail to happen or be completed

  far cry form - completely different from;a long way

  feel like - have a desire or wish for

  feel up to - feel well enough to or be capabele of

  few and far between - not happening often; rate

  figure out - determine; reason out by thinking

  fill in for -take another’s place

  fill sb.in - tell what sb. should know

  fish out of water - out of one’s element or natural environment

  flying colors -success,victory

  for good - permanently; forever

  for the time being - for now; temporarily

  get away with - escape without punishment

  get rid of - give something away; sell, destroy, or throw away something

  get the ball rolling - start something; make a beginning

  get the hang of - understand; learn

  give a hand - help

  go without saying - understood; clear without needing to be stated

  go off -begin to ring


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