
四六级听力必背的120个习语:off balance等

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月23日 18:01   新浪教育

  next to nothing - almost nothing; very inexpensive

  not to mention - in addition

  off balance - unaware; off guard

  on the go - working or doing something all the time

  on pins and needles - nervous; anxious; full of anticipation

  on purpose - deliberately; intentionally

  on the blink - not working properly;broken

  on the right track - thinking or doing something correctly

  on the tip of noe’s tongue - to be about to remember somthing

  once in a blue moon - rarely; almost never

  out of it - not involved in

  pick up the tab - pay the bill or the cost of something

  piece of cake - easy

  play by ear - act spontaneously; without planning

  pill it off - accomplish

  pull one’s leg - make fun of somenoe in a playgul way; make somenoe believe something that is not ture

  quite a few - many

  raise the roof -angry

  right away - immediately

  run for office - compete for an elected position

  save one’s breath - to keep silent because talking would not achieve anyting

  say that again - a saying that means; I agree completely

  stone’s throw - short distance

  search me - an answer that means; I don’t know

  serves one right - is deserving of

  sleep on it - think about something for a while

  straighten up - clean up; make tidy

  take a break - rest for a while; stop one’s work or activity

  think nothing of it - that’s all right

  throw cold water on - discourage; lessen enthusiasm for

  to say the least - at the lowest estimate

  touch on - mention a subject briefly

  under the water - not feeling well

  wait around - waiting in vain

  wait on - attend as a servant;serve

  well worth the trouble - it deseres the inconvenience or trouble

  whole new ballgame - an entirely different situation

  with flying colors - succeed very well

  without a hitch - without difficulty or delay

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