

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月15日 13:47   文都教育







  internationalize, internationalization




  internationalist, internationalism←international→internationality, internationally


  nation-wide←nation→nation-hood, nation-state


  nationally, nationality←national→nationalize, nationalization, nationalism


  nationalist, nationalistic, nationalistically

  1.  Prefixes

  1)  dis- (not, the opposite of)  disadvantage, dislike, disagree, disappear, disarm, disaster, disastrous, disappoint, disable, disability, discharge, disclose, discount, discourage, discover, discovery, discrepancy, disease, disgrace, disguise, disgust, dishonor, dishonest, dismay, disorder, dispatch, disperse, displace, displacement, displease, disregard, dissatisfy, distort , distract, disintegrate, disparage, dispassion, disproportionate

  2)  in- (not, in, into)  inability, incorrect, incapable, indirect, inhuman, injustice, informal, inside, include, inclusive, income, increase, increasingly, incredible, indefinite, independence, independent, indifferent, indispensable, individual, indoor, inertia , inevitable, infamous , infinite, inhabit , inhabitant, inherent , inject, inland , inlet , inner, innocent, innumerable , input, inquire, inquiry, insane, insensitive, insert, insight, insist, inspect, inspiration , inspire, install, installation, installment , instance, instant, instinct, insulate , intense, interior, internal, into, intrinsic, invade, invalid , invaluable , invariably , invasion, invert , investigate, invisible, involve, inward, incomplete, indecisive, inedible, inept, inevitably, infection, infirm, injection, innate, insecurity, insider, insidious, insatiable

  3)  im- (not, in, into)  impossible, imbalance, immature, immoral, impatient, implicit , impress, impression, import, immigrate, imprison, immerse 

  4)  il-  (not)  illegal, illiterate, illogical

  5)  ir- (not)  irregular, irresponsible, irrespective

  6)  un- (not)  unable, uncover, undo, undoubtedly, undress , uneasy, unemployment , unexpected, unfold , unfortunately, unimportant, unlike, unload, unusual, unaware, unenlightened, unparalleled, unsustainable

  7)  non- (not)  nonsmoker, nonexistence, non-cooperation, nonstop, nonmetal, nonresident, nonsense, nonfundamentalist, nonspecialist

  8)  mis- (wrong, wrongly)  misjudge, misunderstand, mislead, misspell, misstep, misfortune, misuse, misguided, misinformation

  9)  de- (showing the opposite, to remove, to reduce)  deform, deface, demobilize, destruction, deforest, denationalize, depress, depression, devalue, decode, decrease, degenerate , degrade , descend, descendant , descent

  10)        pre- (before, in advance)  prefix, pre-historic, precaution, precede , preceding, preclude , predecessor , predict, predominant , preface, prejudice, preliminary, premature , premier , premise , premium , preparation, prepare, prepay, preside , president, presumably, presume , pretext , prevail, prevent, previous, prewar, prediction, pre-scientific, presumptively, preconception

  11)        ante-, (before, in advance) anteroom, ante-Christian, antemeridian, anticipate, antique

  12)        fore- (in advance, before, in or at the front)  forearm, forehead, foreman, foretell , foresee , forefather , foreleg, forerunner , fore , foremost, forecast, forewarn

  13)        ex- (out, out of, former)  ex-minister, ex-president, ex-Soviet Union, ex-wife, export, exclude, exclusive, excursion, exhibit, exile , exit, exotic , expand, expansion, expedition , expel , expend , expenditure , expense, explode, explosion, explosive, expose, exposition , exposure, express, expression, extend, extension, extensive, exterior, external, extinct,  extra, extract

  14)        post- (later than, after) postgraduate, postwar, postmeridian, postpone, postscript

  15)        sub- (under, below, less important)  sub, subject, subway, subtitle, subdivide, submarine , sub-zero, submerge, submit, subordinate , subscribe , subsection, subsequent, subsidiary , subsidy , substance, substantial, substitute, subtract, suburb, subconsciously, subtly

  16)        infra- (below in a range, beyond)  infrastructure , infrared

  17)        re- (again, back to a former state)  react, reaction, recall, recede , receipt, recipient , reclaim , recognize, recognition, record, recorder, recover, recovery, recreation, recur , recycle , redundant , reflect, reflection, reflexion, reform, refrain , refresh, refreshment , refund , refute , reinforce, reject, remember, remind, removal, remove, renaissance , renew, repay , repeat, repeatedly, repel , repetition, replace, replacement, reply, report, reporter, represent, representative, repression , reproduce, respect, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, restore, resume, return, reunion , reuse, review, revise, revive, revolt, revolution, revolutionary, revolve, reward

  18)        co-, col-, com-, con-, cor-  (with together)  co-existence, cooperate, cooperative , co-author, coalition , coherent , coincide , coincidence , collaboration , colleague, collide , collision, collocation, compassion, compassionate, concentric, confederation, conjoin, coordinate, correlate, correlation, correspond

  19)        inter- (between, among)  international, interchange, interchangeable, interdependent, interpersonal, interview, interact , interaction, intercourse , interface , interfere, interference, Internet, interrupt, interval, intervene

  20)        macro- (large)  macroeconomics , macrocosm , macrostructure

  21)        micro- (extremely small) microcomputer, microeconomics , microscope, microphone, microsurgery, microelectronics, microbiologist

  22)        super- (greater or more than) super, supermarket, supersonic , superman, superpower, supernatural, supervise , superb, superficial, superintendent , superior, superiority , supreme, supersystem

  23)        sur- (more than, beyond) surplus, surtax, surface, surpass , surround, survival, survive, suspect

  24)        ultra- (beyond, very, too)  ultramodern, ultrasound, ultra-violet

  25)        auto- (of or by oneself)  auto, autocriticism, autoland, automobile, automation , automatic, autobiography , autonomous , autonomy

  26)        mal- (bad, badly)  malfunction, maltreat , malnutrition , malpractice

  27)        tele- (at or over a long distance, by or for television)  telegram, television, telegraph, telephone, telecommunications , telescope, telescreen, teleswitch, televise

  28) semi-, hemi- (half)  semicircle, semiconductor, semi-colony , semifinal, hemisphere

  29) uni-, mono- (one)  uniform, unify , union, unique, unit, unite, unity, universe, universal, university, monologue , monoplane, monopoly , monotone, monotonous , carbon monoxide

  30) bi-, di- (two)  biweekly, bicycle, bilateral , billion, bilingual, dialogue, carbon dioxide

  31) tri- (three)  tricycle , triangle, triangular, trilogy , triple, trigonometry

  32) quadri-, quadru-   (four)  quadruple, quadrangle

  33) penta-   (five)  pentagon, Pentagon, Pentium

  34) hexa-   (six)   hexagon, hexangular

  35) sept-   (seven)  September, Sept-Wolves

  36) octa-   (eight)   octagon, octave, octopus, October

  37) nona-   (nine)  nonagon, November

  38) deci-, deca- (ten)    decade, decimal

  39) centi- (hundredth part)    centigrade, centimeter, centipede , century

  40) kilo- (thousand)    kilo, kilometer, kilogram(me), kilowatt

  41) mill- (thousand)    millennium , millimeter

  42) multi- (many)    multipurpose, multinational, multiple, multiply, multitude

  43) counter-, anti-, contra- (opposite, against)  counteract, counterattack, counterclockwise, counterrevolutionary, antibiotic, antigravity, antimatter, antiwar, antinuclear, contradict, contradiction, contramissile, contranatural, contrary, contrast, anticonsumerism, anti-intellectualism

  44) mini- (smallest, short)   minibus, miniskirt, minimum, minister, minimize, ministry, minor, minority, minute

  45) max- (greatest)    maximum, maximal , maximize

  46) out- (outside, beyond)  outdo, outwit, outlive, outnumber, outdoor, outstanding, outskirts , outward, outcome, outer, outing , outline, outlook, output, outrage , outside

  47) over- (too much, above, additional)  overwork, overuse, overtake, overpass , overthrow , overturn , overall, overdue , overhead, overhear , overlook, overseas, overtime

  48) trans- (across, on or to the other side of)  transaction , transatlantic, transcend , transfer, transform, transistor , transit , transition , translate, translation, transmission, transmit, transmitter, transparent, transplant, transport, transportation

  49) under- (too little, below)  underdevelop, underdevelopment, underestimate, undergraduate, underground, underlie , underline, undersea, underlying , undermine , underneath, underwear

  50) neo- (new)   neo-Nazism, neolithic

  51) be- (cause to be or have)  befriend, belittle

  52) bio- (life)  biology, biography , autobiography, antibiotic, biochemistry, biosphere, biomedical

  53) en- em- (cause to become, put into the stated condition)  embody, empower, endanger, enlarge, enrich, encompass, enthrone, entrench

  54) extra- (outside, beyond)  extracurricular, extraordinary

  55) mid- (middle)  midday, midnight

  56) poly- (many)  polycentric, polydirectional, polysyllabic

  57) pseudo- (not real, false)  pseudomemory, pseudonym, pseudoscience

  58) thermo- (heat)  thermochemistry, thermometer

  59) vice- (next in rank below)  vice-chairman, vice-president

  60) aero- (air)    aerial , aeroplane, aeronautics, aerospace

  61) cross- (across, going between the stated things and joining them)   cross-country, crossbreed

  62) intra- (inside, within; into)  intracity, intra-department, intranet

  63) pro- (in favor of, supporting)   pro-America, pro-abortion

  64) self- (by means of oneself or itself, of, to; with, for or in oneself or itself)   self-employed, self-taught

  65) step- (not by birth but through a parent who has remarried)   stepmother, stepchildren

  66) by-, bye- (less important)  by-product, byway

  67) a-, (on, in; not, without; intensive) aboard, abroad, ahead, ashore, aside, ashamed, awake, aware, abed, aflame; amoral, anarchy, anonymous, asocial, atom, apolitical, acentric; abide, alike, amaze, arise, arouse, await

  68) ab-, abs- (the opposite of, away from, off)  abnormal, abrupt, absent, abstract, abuse, abortion

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