

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月15日 13:47   文都教育

  3. Stems

  1) vis (to see)    visible, vision, visual, visit, visitor, advice, supervise, television

  2) agri (land)    agriculture, agronomy

  3) ann (year)    anniversary, annual, semiannual, centennial

  4) astro, aster (star)    astrology, astronomy, astronaut, astrophysics, disaster, asteroid, astronomer

  5) audi (to hear)    audience, auditorium , audit , auditor , auditory, audio-visual

  6) bell (war)    rebel, rebellion, rebellious, belligerent

  7) ced (to go)    precede, precedent, unprecedented, exceed, proceed, succeed

  8) cid, cis (to cut, to kill)   decide, decision, decisive , concise, suicide, homicide, pesticide

  9) claim (to cry, to shout)    exclaim, proclaim, acclaim, clamor

  10) clar (clear)    declare, clarify, clarity

  11) cord (heart)    cordial, concord, discord , accord

  12) cred (to believe, to trust)    credible, incredible, credulous, credit, credential

  13) dent (tooth)    dental, dentist

  14) dict (to say)    contradict, dictate, dictator, predict, indicate, indicative

  15) fact (to do, to make)    factory, manufacture, benefactor, malefactor

  16) flu (to flow)    fluent, influence, influenza (flu), fluid

  17) geo (earth)    geography, geometry, geology , geopolitics

  18) gram, graph (to draw, to write)    diagram, telegram, program, photograph, geography, telegraph

  19) insul (island)    insulate, insulator , insular, peninsula

  20) ject (to throw)    project, inject, reject, subject, eject

  21) liber (free)    liberate, liberty (at liberty), liberal, liberalism

  22) liter (letter)    literate , literacy, illiterate, illiteracy, literature, literary, literal , literally

  23) log (to speak)    dialogue, apology, prologue, monologue, logic

  24) manu (hand)    manuscript , manufacture, manufacturer, manual, manage, management, manager

  25) medi (middle)    immediate, medium, media, mediate, medieval, median

  26) mort (death)    mortal, immortal, mortality

  27) nov (new)    novel, novelty, novice, innovate

  28) ori (to rise)    orient, oriental, Oriental, orientation, origin, original, originate, disorient

  29) pend (to hang, money)    depend, dependent, dependency, dependable, independent, suspend, expend, spend, expenditure, expense, expensive, pension

  30) port (to carry)    portable, import, export, deport, porter, support

  31) pur (pure)    purify , purity , Puritan

  32) rect (correct, straight)    correct, rectify , erect

  33) rupt (to break)    interrupt, disrupt, bankrupt, bankruptcy, corrupt

  34) sal (salt)    salary, salad

  35) sist (to stand)    resist, resistance, resistible, consist, assist, exist, insist, persist

  36) spect (to look)    spectacle, spectacular, prospect, retrospect, inspect, respect, suspect, circumspect , spectator , conspicuous , perspective

  37) spir (breath)    inspire, inspiration, spirit

  38) tract (to draw)    tractor, attract, protract, contract, abstract, extract, distract

  39) urb (city)    urban, suburb, suburban

  40) vac (empty)    vacant, vacation, vacuum

  41) vit (life)    vital, vitality, vitamin, vitalize

  42) viv (to live)    survive, survival, survivor, revival, vivid, vivacity

  4. Compounds

  breakfast, brunch, businessman, dragonfly, headmaster, headquarters, history, mankind, masterpiece, person, sit-in, downsize, backbone, lifestyle, lockout, newsletter, scapegoat, signpost, smallpox, spymaster, stakeholder, standstill, stockpile, trustworthy

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