

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年06月19日 12:28   新东方在线


  There is a universal phenomenon amongcollege students that in English learning they don’t attach much importance tospelling, which can find expression in the fact that numerous mistakes willarise in their compositions。

  I reckon that the primary reason why themajority of students ignore spelling in their English learning is thatcomputers are performing increasingly important role in our daily life. Mostly,there is no need for us to use our pen or pencil when we compose an article orsubmit our assignments to the teachers. Therefore the students acquire more andmore skills in computer operation. Yet, their spelling mistakes in theirarticles are accumulating。

  In order to untangle the problem, we aresupposed to enable students to minimize the usage of computers in our dailylife, and the teachers are expected to maximize the chance for students inwriting on paper。

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