47 G (incredibly)
48 K ( replace)
49 J (reduced)
50 L (sense)
51 H (powering)
52 D (exceptions)
54 O (vast)
55 F(historic)
56I (protect)
57 D
It is an indispensable device on an airplane
58 D Data for analyzing the cause of the crash
59 D The early models often got damaged in thecrash
60 B To make them easily identifiable
61 A There is still a good chanceof their being recovered
这是篇可怕的文章,因为它谈论到一个充满着神秘色彩的device,黑匣子。从文都考生的反馈,这五道题后四道的难度一般,倒是57题迷惑性较大,主要体现在C选项(Its ability to ward off disasteris incredible)。
57What does the author say about the black box?
A: It ensures the normal functioning of anairplane。
B: The idea for its design comes from acomic book。
C: Its ability to ward off disaster isincredible。
D: It is an indispensable device on anairplane。
You never see them, but they’rewith you every time you fly. They record
where you’re going, how fast you’re traveling and whether everything on your airplaneis functioning normally. Their ability to withstand
almost any disaster makes them seem like something out of a comic book. They’reknown as the black box。
57题误选C的同学主要是对ward off 这个短语理解不到位。徐可风提示:按照朗文词典P1733的解释ward off = prevent, keep awaysomething bad 。请注意,是“prevent防止”。文章中很明确地提到,黑匣子只能“record记录”,“withstand经受住”disaster,根本就没提到“防止”。徐可风坐了三分之一辈子的飞机从来就没有听说过,飞机上放个黑匣子就能防止灾难的发生。要不以后飞机上专门摆一个神龛,上面供着一个黑匣子,烧几把香就可以了。天啊!太有自信了,比“凤姐”还牛。
62.B It is based on the concept of positivethinking
63.A Encouraging positive thinking may domore harm than good
64.C You are emphasizing the fact that heis not intelligent
65.B Forcing a person to think positivethoughts may lower their self-esteem
66.C Meditation may prove to be a goodform of psychotherapy
这是一篇不那么积极的文章,从文章中感觉到一些无奈。尽管徐可风是个“positive thinking”的huge fans。但面对阅读理解,不得不暂时抛开自己的人生观。但做完这篇文章后,徐可风仍旧高唱“everyone is No. 1”。
64 What does the author mean by “… you’rejust underlining his faults”(Line 4, Para.3)?
A: You are not taking his mistakesseriously enough。
B: You are pointing out the errors he hascommitted。
C: You are emphasizing the fact that he isnot intelligent。
D: You are trying to make him feel betterabout his faults。
The study’s authors, Joanne Wood and JohnLee of the University of Waterloo and Elaithey
Perunovic of the University
of New Brunswick, beginby citing older research showing that when people get feedback which theybelieve is overly positive, they actually feel worse, not better. If you tellyour dim friend that he has the potential of an Einstein, you’re justunderlining his faults。
本题关键是理解两个考点单词“underline”与“dim”。认真听过徐可风的课程的同学会有印象,当时我是把underline 和underlie放在一起讲的。Underline = emphasize强调。Dim有笨的意思,也就是“notintelligent”
所以选C You are emphasizing the fact that he is not intelligent。
1.A Herdaughters’ repeated complaints
People haven’t yet reached agreement on its definition
3.C canrealize what is important in life
4.A itseriously affected family relationships
5.C depressed
6B Hisfamily had intervened(干涉)
7.B curbhis desire for online gaming
had an Internet Addiction 徐可风提醒,写成has则错误,因为这里是指过去的事情。
9. forprofessional help 徐可风提醒,由于seek既可作为及物动词,又可作为不及物动词,所以for可用,也可不用。
10. onlinedating
来源:文都教育 徐可风