
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月06日 10:29   每日新报

  二. 运用技巧,提高阅读理解能力。

  阅读理解是升本考试的重头戏(50分)。我们知道历年升本考试虽然文章、体裁、内容等各不相同,但考题类型却有章可循。归纳起来为1. 细节题2. 主旨题3. 词汇语义题 4. 作者观点态度题 5. 推理判断题。针对不同题型,运用不同技巧及方法,有助于我们在短时间内快速准确定位答案。

  1. 重事实与细节,以此解出相关细节题。


  Sea horses are unusual animals. The female sea horses lay the eggs, but unlike other creatures, it’s the males that give birth to the young.(37题信息)

  37题:What important part does the female sea horse play in having babies?

  A. Laying the eggs B. Checking the eggs C. Protecting the eggs D. Hatching the eggs

  根据该句,我们不难理解,female sea horse 在生孩子中所起的重要作用只有生卵,所以A为正确。

  2. 要学会发现主题句——即文章首尾句,以此掌握所读材料的主旨大意及作者观点态度。


  We have no idea about when men first began to use salt, but we do know that it has been used in many different ways throughout the history.

  Salt was an important item on the dinner table of a king.…Important guests at the king’s table were seated near the salt. Less important guests were given seats farther away from it. (55题信息)

  55. The best title for this passage is_______.

  A. Nobody Knows When Salt Began to Be Used B. The Uses and Importance of Salt in History C. Thousands of People Were Punished Because of Salt D. Salt Was Important in History


  3. 在理解文章表面意思基础上,加强对深层意思的挖掘,攻克推理判断题。


  Tourism should help a country keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists.(57题信息)

  57题:Too much tourism can cause all the problems except_______

  A. a bad effect on other industries B. a change of tourists’ customs C. overcrowding of places of interest D. heavy traffic


  4. 学会并掌握根据句与句、段与段之间的关系综合我们应有的常识来推测并正确判断生词含义。


  Finally, in the west the expression,to buffalo, came to mean to make one helpless or to confuse and trick.It is still used today. When a person has you “buffaloed”,he has you in his power.You’re helpless!(55题信息)

  55.“To be buffaloed”means_______.

  A. to run as fast as a buffalo B. to be helpless or be confused C. to be caught for amusement D. to be as special as a buffalo


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