

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月04日 10:27   21世纪人才报·人力周刊

  People have tried hundreds of ways to cure the common cold, mostly without success. Fortunately, today we have more effective ways to relieve symptoms, remedies that have actually been proven effective by scientists in labs. But why wait until you need the remedies?Here are tried-and-true tips to keep you healthy.


  1 Don't Pick Your Nose. 不要抠鼻子。

  Keep your paws out of your nose. Don't rub your eyes, either. Cold virus germs, which can

  live for several hours on your hands, enter your body through your nose and eyes. "Washing your hands often during cold season and keeping your fingers away from your eyes and nose are the best ways to avoid catching a cold," says Dr.James Hubbard. And when someone sneezes, think of it as a cloud of poisonous smoke. Get away from it and hold your breath so those droplets of clod virus don't get inside you.


  If that doesn't work and you still catch a cold, here are some simple ways to relieve symptoms and get well faster.


  2 Get Enough Sleep. 保证充足的睡眠。

  "Sleep certainly affects the immune system," says Richard Shane, Ph.D., a sleep specialist.

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