
教你感冒赶紧痊愈的妙法 (3)

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月04日 10:27   21世纪人才报·人力周刊

  Research at Arizona State University suggests that getting lots of vitamin C may lessen the

  time you have a cold by one to two days. You can get vitamin C naturally through these excellent food sources: oranges, berries, green and red peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach and kiwo-fruit, which actually has more vitamin C in it than an orange.


  5 Go for a Bike Ride. 骑自行车锻炼。

  According to the American College of Sports Medicine, exercising when you have a cold does

  not make the cold worse. Exercise has been shown to boost the immune system.


  6 Play a Game. 玩游戏。

  Playing video games can be healthy. That is, exposing yourself to short periods of video games can stimulate your immune system, says Jos. A. Bosch, Ph.D. Long-term stress, like being bullied at school or worrying about the upcoming exams, can actually lower your immunity, according to Dr.Bosch.


  7 Suck Eggs. 吮吸生鸡蛋。

  Just kidding. Sort of. Eggs are rich in the mineral zinc, which plays an important role in keeping your immunity strong by generating white blood cells. So eat more eggs. Some doctors believe zinc gluconate fights colds by stopping the cold virus from attaching to your cells.

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