
教你感冒赶紧痊愈的妙法 (2)

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月04日 10:27   21世纪人才报·人力周刊

  In experiments, scientists have compared blood samples taken from healthy people after a good night's sleep. The tests showed people who didn't sleep at all had lower immunity, says Dr.Shane. When you sleep, your body produces human growth hormone (HgH), which not only builds muscle, but also stimulates your bone marrow, where immune cells are created.


  3 Eat a Big Breakfast.饱食一顿早餐。

  A study in the Netherlands found that people who ate a big breakfast had higher antiviral

  cells by 450 percent compared with people who ate very little or not at all. So eat something

  that is high in fiber and full of vitamins with 1-percent milk, eat an orange (toss those peels) and grape jelly and maybe a yogurt sommthie if you're still hungry. Wash it all down with one or two cups of green tea. Laboratory studies have identified a compound in green tea that might keep viruses from multiplying.


  4 Drinking Orange Juice at the First Sign of a Cold.一有感冒迹象就喝橙汁。

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