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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 约旦成为NBA第4支获3万分的球队


  Against his former Chicago Bulls for the first time, Michael Jordan reached 30,000 points forhis career as his Washington Wizards won their third straight game 89-83 here on Friday.

  After hitting 96 points in the last two games, Jordan continued his scoring binge with 19 of his 29 points in the second quarter, and becomes the only fourth player in the NBA history to score 30,000 points in the regular seasons.

  Needing 15 points at the outset, Jordan reached the plateau with a pair of free throws with 5:28 left in the second quarter. He joined Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Wilt Chamberlain and Karl Malone inthe category.

  The Wizards opened the match with a 10-0 lead as the Bulls missed their first eight shots, and even reached their biggest lead of 26 points midway in the third quarter.

  Jordan's second quarter explosion gave the Wizards a 57-37 lead at halftime. The Bulls rallied in the second half, and had a 33-14 run to cut the deficit to seven points.

  Jordan was selected third overall by the Bulls in 1984 and led the Bulls to six championships in eight years in the 1990s. He retired for the second time after the sixth title in 1998 when Phil Jackson resigned as Bulls' coach.

  That signaled the breakup of the Bulls and Jordan became the minority owner and president of the Wizards two years ago before his second unretirement this season.

  Currently, the Wizards are 17-14 while the Bulls remained winless on the road to tail the Eastern Conference on 6-25 record

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