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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 生活美语:Morning Jogging 晨跑

Morning Jogging
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/23 15:17  空中美语


  Husband: Wake up, darling.

  Wife : What for? It's only 5 o'clock in the morning.

  Husband: You forgot? We're going to jog.

  Wife : This early? I haven't had enough sleep.

  Husband: Get out of bed! It's our agreement. Don't break it on the first day.

  Wife : All right! Let me take a shower.

  Husband: No, you can take a shower after we come back. Now get up and get dressed.

  Wife : What shall I wear?

  Husband : Sportswear and jogging shoes.

  Wife : I don't have jogging shoes.

  Husband: Yes, you have. We bought them yesterday.

  Wife : We did?....Oh, look! It's spotting with rain outside. We can't go jogging this morning.

  Husband: It isn't raining outside and we are going to jog this morning. Come on! Get dressed.

  Wife : But ....

  Husband: No buts. It'll be good for your health, and keep you in shape as well.

  Wife : All righ't. But you have to understand that I'm doing it for your sake.

  Husband: No, it's for your own sake.

  Wife : I'm ready....It's dark and chilly outside.

  Husband: Let's warm up before we go. Ready? Do as I do. One, two, one, two ....


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空中美语 专栏


1. sportswear n.运动服装

2. in shape保持身材。相反词为”out of shape”

3. to warm up暖身、做暖身运动


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