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商贸英语:At the Trade Show 国际商展
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/23 16:46  空中美语

  实用语句 Practical Sentence:

  ◆1. This model can run any software or DOS program and IBM personal computer can run.

  ◆2. May I ask what company you work for?

  ◆3. Are all the components made here in Taiwan?

  ◆4. Would you like a packet of our promotional literature?

  ◆5. May I help you?

  ◆6. I see your computer is fully IBM compatible.

  ◆7. I'd be glad to help.

  ◆8. We're a high-volume, discount mail-order house.

  ◆9. I wonder if you can give me more information about this computer model you're showing?

  ◆10. I represent Reese Computer and Supply Company.

  ◆11. We do some subcontracting, but only in Taiwan.

  ◆12. Would you be interested in talking with him about our ideas for upcoming models?

  ◆13. I'm due to fly back to the States on Friday.

  ◆14. I'm sure we can arrange it before then.

  ◆15. Would you like to tour our factory? Yes, if it wouldn't take too long to arrange.

  实况对话 Dialogue:

  ◆An American importer talks with a Chinese salesman at a trade show .

  ◆Salesman: Good morning. May I help you?

  ◆Importer : I wonder if you can give me more information about this computer model you're showing?

  ◆Salesman : I'd be glad to help. Would you like a packet of our promotional literature?

  ◆Importer : Thank you. I see your computer is fully IBM compatible.

  ◆Salesman : Yes, this model can run any software or DOS program and IBM personal computer can run.

  ◆Importer : These models seem to be quite small.

  ◆Salesman : Yes, one of the problems our company was trying to solve when we worked on this model was to do away with the bulk of IBM desk-tops and their clones. Our computer is only 11 pounds.

  ◆Importer : Remarkable! There's nothing quite like seeing a problem and solving it to create a good product. Are all the components made here in Taiwan?

  ◆Salesman : Yes, we do some subcontracting, but only in Taiwan. These computers are made here. May I ask what company you work for?

  ◆Importer : I represent Reese Computer and Supply Company.We're a high-volume, discount mail-order house.

  ◆Salesman : Would you like to tour our factory and perhaps.even one or two of our subcontractors?

  ◆Importer : Yes, if it wouldn't take too long to arrange. I'm due to fly back to the States on Friday.

  ◆Salesman : I'm sure we can arrange it before then. How about meeting the founder of our company? Would you be interested in talking with him about our ideas for upcoming models?

  ◆Importer : Yes, I think that would be useful. Thank you for your help.

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空中美语 专栏


1. promotional a.宣传的,促销的

2. literature n.(关于某一学科或专题的)文献,印刷品

3. compatible a.能和谐共处的,相容的

4. bulk n.巨大的体积

5. clone n.由无性生殖而繁生的一群生物或植物

6. component n.组成部分,(机械的)组件

7. subcontract v.转包(工作)给第三者

8. upcoming a.即将来临的

9. catalog n.目录

10. sample n.样品

11. manufacture n.生产,制造

12. portable adj.可携带的,轻便的

13. minimum n.最小量,最小程度

14. accessory n.附件,附属品


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