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商贸英语:At the Showroom 在展示厅
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/23 20:35  空中美语

  实用语句 Practical Sentences:

  ◆1. The demand for ceramics is increasing in my country.

  ◆2. It takes 45 days to make.

  ◆3. A large proportion of our sales are to the U.S.

  ◆4. The result is certainly worth the effort.

  ◆5. Its retail price will be US,000.

  ◆6. You mustn't tamper with quality.

  ◆7. It's handmade and the inlaid designs are etched in.

  ◆8. I have 50 employees.

  ◆9. Our research in the field has been yielding good results.

  ◆10. You carry on a centuries-oldtradition and keep pace with modern technology at the same time.

  ◆11. This vase is still in the experimental stage.

  ◆12. We're deeply grateful to your country's technicians for their considerable assistance.

  ◆13. It's the high quality of Chinese ceramics that attracts American buyers.

  ◆14. A reduction in price can never be made at the expense of quality.

  ◆15. I was so impressed by your designs and the high quality of your pieces.

  实况对话 Dialogue:

  ◆A Chinese ceramics manufacturer talks with an American importer.

  ◆Importer : What beautiful art ceramics you make.

  ◆Manufacturer: I learned the craft from my father. Then I studied ceramic engineering at school.

  ◆Importer : All your hard work looks as if it's paid off.

  ◆Manufacturer : Yes, I have 50 employees. I hope to become the biggest exporter of ceramics in Taiwan.

  ◆Importer : Well, the demand for ceramics is increasing in my country.

  ◆Manufacturer : Yes, a large proportion of our sales are to the U.S.

  ◆Importer : The development of ceramics in your country has been remarkable.You carry on a centuries-old tradition and keep pace with modern technology at the same time.

  ◆Manufacturer : Yes, our research in the field has been yielding good results. And we're deeply grateful to your country's technicians for their considerable assistance.

  ◆Importer : Tell me about your designs.

  ◆Manufacturer: How do you like this one?

  ◆Importer: It's beautiful.

  ◆Manufacturer : This is an eight-foot decorative vase. It's hand-made and the inlaid designs are etched in. It takes 45 days to make. Its retail price will be US,000.

  ◆Importer : The result is certainly worth the effort. How about this design over here?

  ◆Manufacturer : This vase is still in the experimental stage.

  ◆Importer : Why is that?

  ◆Manufacturer : It's quite expensive to make and because of its small size, buyers balk at its high price. We feel we could sell more if we could reduce the price.

  ◆Importer : Well, you mustn't tamper with quality. It's the high quality of Chinese ceramics that attracts American buyers.

  ◆Manufacturer : That's why a reduction in price can never be made at the expense of quality.

  ◆Importer : Well, thank you for showing me your beautiful ceramic ware. I was so impressed by your designs and the high quality of your pieces.

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空中美语 专栏


1.showroom n.陈列室

2.ceramics ceramic n.陶瓷品a.陶艺的

3. craft n.技术,手艺

4.proportion n.比例,部分

5.remarkable a.非凡的,了下起的

6.Keep pace with与…并驾齐驱

7.yield v.生产

8.grateful a.感激的

9.decorative a.装饰的

10.inlaid a.雕刻的

11.etch v.蚀刻,蚀镂

12.retail a.零售

13.balk v.停蹄不前,突然停止:

14.tamper v.玩弄,干涉

15.At the expense Of以…为代价,牺牲

16.unemployment n.失业,失业人数,失业率

17.Freight n.(水上、陆上、空中运输的)货物,货运

18.payroll n.薪资名册·员工薪资总额

19.prototype n.原型

20.appreciative a.感谢的


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