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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/28 16:30  《冒气泡》

  1. Take a look at...

  The person using this has something interesting or wonderful to show you and wants you to look at it. In the formal method, one would say, "Please turn your attention to this over here." But in casual talk between friends we can just use this phrase.

  2. You look for it

  The person using this phrase is obviously not sure how to do something. They also might not have the time or patience to do it. In that case, they would say, "You look for it." This transfers the task and responsibility to someone else.

  3. ...is on me

  Do not take this one literally. Of course, you will not put the dinner on you. In this case, "on me" means that I will be responsible for it. I will pay for it. This phrase can be used in any situationswheresyou are treating some other people to meals, tickets, events, etc.

  4. I never thought about that

  I had never considered such a possibility. In the dialogue, Sergio never thought very farsintosthe future. He did not realize that it was possible that one day no one would have to leave their homes. It is true that people do not always maximize their brain power. They will speak before thinking. If you find yourself always using this phrase you may want to think more before you express your opinion.

  5. One big global brain

  The "brain" here refers to a consciousness made up of connected points. When the world's mobile phones are found in every person's hands then everyone will be connected. It will be like a big brain that can transfer information, ideas and learning to everyone else.

  6. Serves us well

  Taking one action will produce a result. The action to make the mobile phone or other technologies ubiquitous, everywhere, may not have the most positive reaction. In the end, technology should serve or benefit humans.







  不要照字面意思理解这个短语。你当然不会把晚餐放在自己身上。对话中,“on me”指的是我将对此事负责。晚餐由我来付账。在你请某些人吃饭、看球赛、看电影等场合中,这个短语都可以用。







气泡演讲(2002/01/28/ 16:29)
气泡时间(2002/01/28/ 16:26)
实事快报(2002/01/28/ 16:08)
婚礼钟声第一幕(2002/01/21/ 18:39)
家庭亲情第一幕(2002/01/21/ 15:58)
《冒气泡》时尚英语之“气泡系列”·卷二 专题



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