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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 连载三:大话西游之学英语版

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/30 19:18  新浪教育


  The story related by Cui hua

  I served sour dishes to guests in the Northeasterners' Sour Dish Restaurant every day. When I saw foreigners come and have dinners, I listened attentively just like a little rabbit with long ears. After a long time like this, even if I am as slow as you, I learned my English. I'm just like the great scientist Einstein's driver, who always drove Einstein to make speeches. After just half a year, he could pretend to be Einstein to make speeches, and let true Einstein take a good rest.

  "To learn English is to have fun". That is my secret of learning English.

  I have a co-worker named Paoding. He is a butcher and his work is to dissect cattle every day. If you watch him kill the cattle, you will find that all his actions: the touching, shouldering, stepping and kneeling, are of rhythm and melody, just like the dancing steps of Sanglin of the Yin and Tang dynasties, and also like the melody of Xianchi & Jingshou for the Di and Yao Emperors.
  Brother Paodingtold me that he is keen on the Way. He can coordinate his heart and action when he uses his knife. A whole ox is dissected adeptly with his swift hands as if to the company of Beethoven's Symphony of Fate, so quick that the ox might not know that it has been killed. Then Paoding would stand straight with his knife in one hand and look around in satisfaction.
  I'm not sure if you can achieve a fraction of this skill when you date with a girl. Just like dissecting an ox, Paoding smoothly graduated from high school, taught himself English, passed College English Band 4, achieved good results in TOEFL and GRE tests. He never behaved like you. You regard English as dinosaur and always knit your eyebrow when learning it.

  Do you want to play English? If you do, use English smartly. If you don't use English with fun, how could I know you want to play English. Although you are looking at me earnestly, do you still want to tell me that you prefer to play English. Do you really want to play? Yes? Then, you play cool with English at once. Don't you really want to play? Is it true that what you really want to play is English?


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