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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 连载四:大话西游之学英语版

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/31 19:37  新浪教育


  Hearing Miss Cuihua’s words, Zhou Benchi felt he benefited a lot as if he had read English books for ten years. Zhou began his self-reflection: During my western odyssey I traveled a lot of places and gathered a lot of treasure including several Benz cars. But the regretful thing is that I lost the love of Miss Jinjing, Miss Zixia, and so on and so forth because of my poor English. Even Miss Cuihua whom I chatted online looked down upon me.

  After that reflection Zhou Benchi was determined to push himself really hard to learn English well. He wanted his English to be as hot as Zhou Renfa’s and as cool as Xie Tingfeng’s.

  However, having dropped his English learning for years and, with his perseverance as poor as his English, whenever Zhou Benchi gets a popular English learning book, he can’t help but feeling“her”and so can’t“she”. And so they promise each other that they will never separate. But the happiness is always short. After just a few minutes, he would cast that book away. In the end he would always sigh and bear endless regrets.

  In his dream Miss Jingjing whispers to gloomy Zhou Benchi: Why don’t you do the things you like, such as chatting with girls online? Well, I wanna you to choose between the two: to have fun with girls in English or to have fun only with Miss English? Haha~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Zhou Benchi’s typical laugh!)

  Do what one likes to do!

  As a result, Zhou Benchi created his Big Talk English with his Wulitou (casual) spirit. (The first step is to find a girl whose net name is English in the English Chatting Room using his creative Eighteen Methods on Engaging a Girl.

  Zhou worked so hard that he often forgot to eat and sleep. So we can expect a new page will be turned over in the development of his later events.

  (To be continued)

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