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Football Association Made Clear Attitude on Black Whistlers
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/01 11:09  空中美语


  According to the news made public on January 23, 2002, China Football Association called a press conference Wednesday afternoon, making clear its attitude on investigating and punishing the event of black whistles recently arresting great concerns of the people. Present at the conference were the specialized vice-president Yan Shiduo and Nan Yong of the China Football Association.

  The investigation by China Football Association on the event of black whistlers has so far made a big breakthrough, said Yan Shiduo and the result is to be expanded step by step.

  Black whistling, a typical event of corruption in football games

  The exposure of the black whistlers is a shocking event, said Yan Shiduo. It is a typical event of corruption in the football games. He pointed out that the black whistlers? Event has brought forward three problems.

  First of all, we should in no way underestimate the harm brought about by the corruptive phenomena in the football trade nor in any event can this be belittled. That the Football clubs gave money to referees and they took it is by no means an isolated phenomenon.

  Besides, this indicates that some clubs have already come to aware of it, a signal indicating that the clubs are to become mature now and also a setout for Chinese football games to march onto the road for healthy development.

  And finally, this shows that it is a complicated, arduous and long-term task to put right the unhealthy tendency and to deal heavy blow at the corruption in the football trade.

  According to what Yan Shiduo said, China Football Association will intensify its efforts in educating the umpires, improve all sorts of rules and regulations and make improvement in the way for the selection of and supervision on the umpires.

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