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生活美语: Applying for a Job 应征工作
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/01 14:04  空中美语

  Birna : I heard that you have a vacant position for a secretary I've come to apply for the job.

  Receptionist : Please wait here for a second.

  Brina: OK.

  Mr. Graham : Who is the next applicant?

  Receptionist: Miss, it's your turn.

  Brina:I am.

  Mr. Graham: Come this way, Please. Do you have your resume with you?

  Brina:Yes,here it is.

  Mr. Graham: Sit down, Miss Faulkner.... You're presently working at Creative Advertising Company?

  Brina : Yes, as a sales representative.

  Mr.Graham : What makes you want to quit the job?

  Brina : Frankly, it is an interesting job, but I'm not suitable for it. Too much tension and pressure.

  Mr.Graham: Is it hard work?

  Brina: I don't mind hard work and working overtime. It's the atmosphere that drives me crazy.

  Mr.Graham: It'll be tough work to be a secretary here, you must understand that. The boss is very touchy and hard to get along with. Have you been a secretary before?

  Brina: Yes, I have. I was a pretty good secretary. I know how to handle a bad-tempered boss. I'm sure I'll be a competent secretary if you take me on your staff.

  Mr. Graham: Thank you for coming, Miss Faulkner. I'll let you know as soon as we've made a decision.

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  1 applicant




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