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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 连载五:大话西游之学英语版

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/01 18:06  新浪教育

  This is Zhou Benchi’s dream: I know Miss English will come to me one day in public, wearing her golden clothes and with colorful cloud around her. She will come to ask me to marry her.—I’m not crazy! That is my wish.

  Since then, Zhou Benchi’s madness at English continues just like a roaring and endless river. He practices his English phrases, such as“That’s cool”, whenever he is on his way in a car( The Benz is the shared property of Zhou Benchi and Bajie), or he is talking with his colleagues and boss, or he is eating in a canteen, or even he is in toilet.

  Now his catch phrase has changed from“Master, how poor your taste is!”to“I can’t bear you! How poor your English is! Please don’t speak Chinese any more, since we are all white collars, OK?”

  One of his foreign colleagues named Puti told Zhou Benchi, who seemed insane then:“You called Miss Jingjing’name 98 times when you were absent-minded just now.”

  周奔驰:Jingjing is my dear girlfrind.(晶晶是我娘子)。
  Zhou Benchi: Jingjing is my dear girlfriend.

  Puti: And you called another name English 784 times.

  周奔驰:My God. (啊?!)

  Zhou Benchi: My God!

  Puti: 784 times! Miss English must owe you lots of money.

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