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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 特立独行牛仔裤(1)

The Uniform of Youth(1)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/06 10:58  空中美语



  The famous designer Calvin Klein once said that almost every teenager wants to be unique, but still so many just wear jeans. Most people own a pair of jeans, but few knowswheresjeans came from.

  Jeans got their name from a fabric called jean cloth, later known as denim. In the 18th century, jeans began to be made from heavy cotton jean cloth dyed dark blue. Because jeans were strong, hid dirt well, and were easy to wash, they were well-suited for manual labor.

  During the California Gold Rush of 1848, Levi Strauss made some denim pants called“Levi’s”, that miners loved. In Hollywood films of the 1930s, cowboys were depicted wearing Levi’s jeans. Soon after, the popularity of jeans―with their image of tough individualism―spread worldwide.







  sth. spread worldwide“某事遍及全世界”,例如:

  The popularity of Harry Potter books has spread worldwide.《哈利·波特》丛书已经在全世界范围内流行。

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空中美语 专栏


1. uniform n.制服
I have to wear a uniform in my job.我在工作中必须穿制服。

2. unique adj.独一无二的
Her red hair was unique.她的红头发是独一无二的。

3. manual adj.手工的;体力的
My mother grew up on a farm and did lots of manual labor.我母亲在农场长大,做过许多体力活。

4. depict v.描绘,讲述
The movie depicted people from space taking over the world.那部电影讲述的是外星人接管地球。

5. individualism n.个人主义
In America, individualism is important.个人主义在美国很重要。


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