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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 双人花样滑冰与冰上舞蹈(1)

Pair Skating and Ice Dancing I
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/07 11:46  空中美语




  At this month’s Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, U.S.A., some of the most spectacular action will take place on the indoor ice rink. Sports fans who are turned off by the sometimes brutal intensity of ice hockey can tune in to the gentler figure skating competition.

  Gold medals are awarded in four categories of Olympic figure skating. Two medals go to the winners of the male and female individual events. The other two are awarded to mixed pairs. Within this group, there are two separate events for pair figure skating: pair skating and ice dancing.

  In pair skating, a couple performs a program of movements in harmony. They add a number of combined spins and spectacular lifts. Ice dancers, in contrast, are not allowed to perform the athletic moves of pair skaters, and the couple rarely separates. Instead, they perform dances such as tangos and waltzes, and they must interpret the rhythm of the music.





  1. ice rink n.溜冰场

  2. ice hockey n.冰上曲棍球

  3. spin n.旋转

  4. tango n.探戈

  5. waltz n.华尔兹舞

  6. prehistoric times n.史前时代

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空中美语 专栏


1. turn sb. off
(slang) to cause sb. to be bored or disgusted使失去兴趣;使厌烦
My co-worker is friendly, but his dirty language turns me off.

2. brutal adj.
cruel and violent; inhuman残忍的;非人道的
Some people feel that American football is a brutal sport.

3. category n.
a group of people or things which all have a particular quality in common种类;范畴
Most universities divide courses into two categories: arts and science.

4. in contrast
a phrase used to show the difference between two things成鲜明对照地
Winter in Miami is short and mild; in contrast, winter in Chicago is long and cold.

5. rarely adv.
seldom; not very often很少地;罕有的
People rarely go swimming outdoors during the winter because it is too cold.

6. interpret v.
to give or provide the meaning of说明;解释
I don’t understand the meaning of this poem. Could you help me interpret it?


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