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Pride and Prejudice I 傲慢与偏见(1)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/21 10:08  空中美语




  Although first published almost 200 years ago, the novels of Jane Austen have retained their popularity around the world. It is not difficult to find the reasons for their enduring appeal. Austen wrote about universal themes, such as the joy and pain of love, the pursuit of happiness, and the need to be accepted by society.

  Jane Austen was born in 1775 in a rural part of southern England. She and her family were al1 avid readers. They even read novels, which were often looked down on during that time. Jane began writing before her teens, and had completed a history book by the time she was sixteen.

  The six romantic novels that Austen wrote before her death in 1817 are still widely read. Her first novel published was“Sense and Sensibility”in 1811, but her best-known work,“Pride and Prejudice,”was written around fifteen years earlier. Although originally rejected for publication, the novel, and its intelligent heroine, have come to hold a place among the great classics of English literature.







  More Information仅供参考,不须强记

  1. rural adj.乡村的

  2. avid adj.狂热的;渴望的

  3.“Sense and Sensibility”n.《理智与情感》,于1881年出版,是简·奥斯汀出版的第一部小说。

  4. heroine n.女英雄;女主角

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空中美语 专栏


1. retain v. to keep; to hold on to保持;保有
Jeff retained his apartment in the city after moving back to his hometown

2. appeal n. attraction; interest吸引力
Lots of people love that movie, but I cannot understand its appeal.

3. pursuit n. the act of pursuing or trying to get sb. or sth.追求;追捕
The thief ran down the street, with two police officers in pursuit.

4. look down on phr. v. to regard as inferior瞧不起
Sally is not popular because she looks down on most of her classmates.

5. prejudice n. an opinion formed without careful thought or adequate knowledge偏见
I think he has a prejudice against his female coworkers.

6. intelligent adj. clever; smart聪明的;有才智的
Cindy is the most intelligent student in the class.


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