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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > If the cap fits,wear it

If the cap fits,wear it
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/14 08:47  世博英语

  If the cap fits,wear it.

  Definition: if the statement about someone is true, then one must accept it.


  这个习惯用语中的cap也可以是shoe或者hat,一般来说,If the hat/shoe fits,wear it主要是美语。而且,这个惯用语可以直接简单地说成If the cap/hat/shoe fits.它的意思是如果所说的话符合你的情况,你就应该接受或者承认。这里的statement通常是不太令人愉快的,如:意见、批评或惩罚等。如果某个人因所作的事感到愧疚却又不肯承认或接受,你就可以用这句短语了:Look, I didn’t say who was to blame for this mess, but if the cap fits, wear it.又如校长开会时绝对可能严肃地说:I have noticed that there are some classroomsswheresthe pupils have been in at least five minutes before their teacher appears. I will name no names but, if the cap fits, wear it.

  Example dialog:

  Mum: Tell mummy who broke the vase in the corner, good boys.


  Tom: I don’t know. Not me, mum.


  Joe: You big liar. If the cap fits, wear it.


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