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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 连载七:大话西游之学英语版

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/14 11:17  新浪教育



  Wulitou was derived from“Wulitou Movie Series”starred by Zhou Xinchi. The protagonists in those movies were mostly“nobodies”. They have neither money, mor power, but like making fun and playing cool. Like ordinary people, they tend to love money and sex, enjoy eating good things and loathe doing work. However, inwardly they have ambition and ideals, and their hearts are free and independent.

  (Isn’t Wulitou just he, you or me? Ha, ha)

  West Odyssey is typical of Wulitou movies. Therefore, Wulitou way of expressing ideas is called Dahua (big talking). Since 1998, Wulitou movies prevailed in universities, and even in high schools. Dahua expressions became the most popular language among millions of Internet goers.

  Within no years, from a post-modern movie of“overthrowing the classic authority”, West Odyssey has become the most popular cultural phenomenon on campuses and in the Internet. Amid college and high school students Wulitou (Dahua) means trendiness and pioneer. If you don’t know anything about it, it means you are no longer young.Just like the jeans which was considered odd at first and then became popular in China about two decades ago, Wulitou has become a watershed which divides the two generations.You can know nothing about Wulitou. But you cannot ignore“Wulitou Culture”which gathers millions of“Dahua fans”.

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