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Wait up/等
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/18 09:13  空中美语

  俚语:Wait up/等

  定义:to postpone going to bed until another's return直到别人回来才睡

  例句:Kenneth told his wife not to wait up for him since he wouldn't be home until quite late.肯尼士要他太太刚等他,因为他很晚才会回来。

Stick around/在附近逗留(2002/04/18/ 09:10)
He made a big stink about it(2002/04/18/ 09:04)
Second thought/想想(2002/04/17/ 13:39)
Give someone a lift/让某人搭便车(2002/04/17/ 13:38)
I smell a rat/我觉得事情不妙(2002/04/17/ 09:46)
News Review/新闻小百科(2002/04/17/ 09:03)
空中美语 专栏



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