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News Review/新闻小百科
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/17 09:03  空中美语



  ●Bigger, Not Better

  Scientists say that people around the world are getting fat. Too fat, in fact. Being overweight can lead to problems such as diabetes and heart disease. Weight problems are now a bigger health worry than starvation, with 300 million people worldwide needing to slim down.

  ●Canadians Get Their Gold

  On Feb. 15, just six days after receiving silver medals in the Olympic pairs figure skating competition, David Pelletier and Jamie Sale of Canada were awarded duplicate gold medals. They now share the Olympic title with the Russian pair. The International Olympic Committee awarded the medals after learning that a French judge had been pressured to vote for the Russians. Pelletier said he and Sale were,“happy that justice was done.”

  ●Sleep Less, Live Longer?

  According to a study released in February, too much sleep may be harmful to your health. The study found that people who slept for six or seven hours a night lived longer than those who slept nine or 10 hours a night. The National Sleep Foundation, which recommends eight hours of sleep a night, immediately attacked the findings, saying that there were“flaws in the study.”

News Review/新闻小百科








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空中美语 专栏


1. overweight n.超重
2. diabetes n.糖尿病
3. starvation n.饥饿

1. medal n.奖牌;奖章
2. duplicate adj.复制的
3. pressure v.施加压力
4. justice n.正义;公理

1. release v.发表;公布
2. harmful adj.有害的
3. attack v.抨击;攻击
4. flaw n.瑕疵;缺陷


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