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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Between a rock and a hard place/进退两难、进退维谷

Between a rock and a hard place
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/30 14:04  世博英语


  Between a rock and a hard place

  Definition: In difficulty, with two unsatisfactory options available.


  如果你被夹在大石块和很难迈步的一个地方之间,你有什么感觉呢?进退两难,不知如何是好吧. Between a rock and a hard place用在需要在相等或相互排斥的选择物之间进行选择的处境,而往往这两种选择都不是令人满意的。比如说:I’m caught between a rock and a hard place. If I go with Isobel, it’ll be much more expensive and if I go with Julie, Isobel probably won’t speak to me again.这就叫做“between a rock and a hard place”,也就是汉语的进退两难、进退维谷、左右为难等等。其实“dilemma”有时就能够代替这个惯用语,上面的例句就可以说I’m caught in a delemma…除了常和be caught连用,还可以同be stuck搭配,e.g. I'd like to help you but I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.(我不是不想帮你,我也很为难呀)

  Example dialog:

  A: If we have a pleasant cooperation this time, I promise to make your company our long-term supplier.


  B: You've got me between a rock and a hard place;Ok, I'll sell it to you at the price you quoted


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360全角英语 专题



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