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Mathematicians Find Euro Coins Land Heads Up
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/06/03 09:22  《英语学习》

  The strengthening euro might be a good bet for financial traders, but gamblers should be wary of chancing their luck—mathematicians say the new coins favor heads over tails. Polish mathematicians Tomasz Gliszczynski and Waclaw Zawadowski and their students at the Podlaska Academy spun one Belgian euro coin 250 times, Germany's Die Welt Daily reported. King Albert's* head landed facing up 140 times.“The euro is struck asymmetrically,”Gliszczynski, who teaches statistics, told the newspaper.“I know the phenomenon from other coins like the two zloty piece, which we have thrown more than 10,000 times.”While the euro notes are the same across the 12 countries that are part of the single currency, the coins display national symbols or buildings on one side and a map of Europe on the other. The Polish mathematicians performed the test by spinning the coins on a table and had not yet tried tossing them in the air, but Zawadowski said he expected that method would have a more or less random outcome.




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《英语学习》2002年4期 专题

*King Albert:艾伯特一世(1875-1934),广受爱戴的比利时前国王。比利时欧元硬币正面图案为他的头像。


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