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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 无厘头英语 > 约会洋妞:玩个游戏“捉迷藏”(连载四)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/03 13:52  新浪教育

  Anne : What? What game? (什么?什么游戏?)

  Benidick : hide-and-seek. (捉迷藏~)

  Anne : OIC!Like my Nala and LeVent, my neighbor. (哦,我知道了。就像我的NALA和我邻居的LEVENT)

  Benidick : Who are they? (是谁?)

  Anne : Nala is my catty, LeVent is my neighbor's Doggie. (NALA是我的小猫,LEVENT是我邻居的小狗)

  Benidick : IC. R they good Competitive partners? (哦!它们是好的竞争伙伴么?)

  Anne :Yes, they are.!They are good friends. (是的,他们是好朋友。)

  Benidick : O, Good! I have a parrot, I think my parrot will get new friends.(哦,不错!我有个鹦鹉,我想我的鹦鹉将有好朋友了!)

  Anne : haha! No way. They hate parrots. (哈!不可能,他们讨厌鹦鹉!)

  Benidick : Oh... no! my poor parrot,:(

  He has no friend always.(哦,我可怜的鹦鹉,它总是没有朋友!)

  Anne : u r! (你是啊!)

  Benidick : of caz I am. But I have to work in the daytime. He is lonely (我当然是,可我要出去工作啊!它很孤独。)

  Anne : What are you making a living on? (你做什么工作?)

  Benidick : I am a host of TV. (我是电视节目主持人。)

  Anne : Cool! What kind of TV programm? (什么样的电视节目?)

  Benidick : Information technique. (信息技术。)

  Anne : Are you pop in China? (你在中国很有名么?)

  Benidick : I'm not sure. But that is not the most important for me. It's my pleasure that I can work with many talents. (我不很清楚,但这不重要,我高兴的是我的工作伙伴都是精英)

  Anne : A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship. (在业务基础上建立的友谊胜过在友谊基础上建立的业务)

  Benidick : yes, I think they will be happy if I get success. (我想他们会因我成功而高兴的)

  Anne : me too! (我也会!)

  Benidick : me 3. (我更是!)

  Anne : haha, yep. (哈哈!那当然!)

  Benidick : & u? may I ask you, what is your job? (那么你呢?我能问问你是做什么的么?)

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无厘头英语 专题



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