NIKKY: hey, brian, see u here again~
BRIAN: yeah.
NIKKY: did u have dinner? I know its China’s dinner time.
BRIAN: no, not yet (I move towards the refrigerator, open the door, little inside ) (我走近冰箱,打开门,发现里面东西很少)
NIKKY: I have some ideas I want to bounce off(试探,咨询看法) u.
BRIAN: what?
NIKKY: I was thinking I might write some letters to u…
BRIAN: alright, I never received ur letter, written letter(手写的信)
NIKKY: give me address, then.
BRIAN: ok, I will send it to ur mail box, nikky.
NIKKY: ok.
NIKKY: one of my friend is thinking of doing an article on limousines(豪华轿车), u know that?
BRIAN: about cars?
NIKKY: ask u a question.
BRIAN: what?
NIKKY: what would u say to people who never had a chance to drive in a limo? (对于没有机会开轿车的人,你有什么看法?)
BRIAN: sorry, I know a lot of people like that, and u can take me as a example(以我为例).
NIKKY: u don’t have one?
BRIAN: of course not, , :)
NIKKY: not today, the independence day.
BRIAN: o, beats me, have a nice day!
【注】beat me,表示“你难倒我了”,相似的说法还有I don’t know; search me; you got me.
BRIAN: why not go outside?
NIKKY: it’s too noisy, they’re elbowing u in the subway(地铁里面肘对肘), stealing ur cabs(出租车也打不着), and overwhelming u with perfume(香水) in elevators.