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Have in mind/欲;计划
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/07 13:17  空中美语

  俚语:Have in mind/欲;计划

  定义:intend, plan, select意图;计划;检选

  例句:If you don't have anything else in mind for this afternoon, would you like to come shopping with me?如果你今天下午没有其他计划,耍不要和我一起去购物?

空中美语 专栏
花语传心意:Speaking of Flowers(2002/08/07/ 12:38)
It’s all part of going through the changes(2002/08/06/ 13:33)
Come up with/提供;赶上(2002/08/06/ 13:32)
笑话篇--都是疯牛病惹的祸(2002/08/06/ 12:23)
小“屋”见大“屋” 袖珍不马虎(2002/08/05/ 09:51)
Feather in one's cap/(某人)引以为傲之物(2002/08/02/ 13:11)



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