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Dashes With Bulls
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/08 11:17  空中美语



  With two sharp horns and weighing in at about 600 kilograms, a bull is one animal most people do not want to get close to. But if you visit Pamplona, Spain, this month, your attitude toward bulls might change. You may even look forward to seeing them.

  For nine consecutive days each July, bulls are run through old Pamplona in one of the most popular spectacles of the San Fermin Festival, the "running of the bulls." In a two-to-three-minute dash, bulls are driven toward the local bullfighting arena. But the bulls do not run alone: Young men join them, and charge along with them down the narrow Pamplona streets.

  During the 825-meter run, runners try to avoid being gored or trampled by the bulls, while spectators stay safely entertained behind fences. The danger is past -- for the runners at least -- when the bulls are herdedsintosthe bullring. Later, the bulls are killed by toreadors in another popular spectacle: the bullfight.

“奔牛节”:与牛共舞 奔出一条血路






  1. San Fermin Festival n.“圣佛明节”,即俗称的“奔牛节”,每年7月6日在西班牙的潘普洛纳举行,为期九天。“奔牛节”是其一系列庆祝活动中最有意思的一项。

  2. dash v.狂奔;冲

  3. gore v.刺伤,顶

  4. toreador n.斗牛士

空中美语 专栏
as for…/至于……(2002/08/07/ 13:24)
Have in mind/欲;计划(2002/08/07/ 13:17)
花语传心意:Speaking of Flowers(2002/08/07/ 12:38)
It’s all part of going through the changes(2002/08/06/ 13:33)
Come up with/提供;赶上(2002/08/06/ 13:32)
笑话篇--都是疯牛病惹的祸(2002/08/06/ 12:23)


1. consecutive
adj. occurring one after another连续的
Our football team won the championship for four consecutive years.

2. spectacle
n. a strange or entertaining, esp. eye-catching, event奇观;奇景
We enjoyed watching the spectacle of Tim walking on his hands.

3. charge
v. to run at a great speed冲
Lily charged up the street to catch up with Sam.

4. trample
v. to cause injury by stepping on heavily践踏;蹂躏
Gina was trampled by her horse after she fell off it.

5. spectator
n. sb. who watches an event, esp. a sports event观众
The spectators cheered when their team scored a goal.

6. herd
v. to keep or move (animals) together放牧
The shepherd herded his sheep down the mountain.


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