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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(四) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§18.7

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/14 14:04  新浪教育

  BRIAN: so maybe it wasn’t god, it was just your, u know, nikky, u own subconscious(下意识的), in a sense

  NIKKY: I don’t know, actually god does talk to him and her, and to u and to all of u

  BRIAN: u r the one who chose to listen, right?

  NIKKY: right

  BRIAN: so I really appreciated ur help, nikky

  NIKKY: maybe u were misunderstanding the whole relationship of yourself to everyone else(也许你误解了你和其他人(指出版社)之间的关系), basically, what u’ve doing wrong is very simple, don’t u just think u’re all alone, u think u’re separate form everyone else(你认为自己和别人隔离开了)

  【注】这里nikky可能是打错了,应该是what u’ve done wrong

  BRIAN: I don’t think I am separate from the other peope, instead, I am working along very well with them, and that’s it. (不这么认为,相反我觉得自己和别人相处得很好)

  NIKKY: so then what is it.

  BRIAN: I know that I am with everyone, there is no one who is separate from the other(这个社会中没有人能和别人分开)

  NIKKY: what u do for another, u do for yourself(你对别人是怎么样的,对自己也要这样)

  BRIAN: but I don’t know how to communicate with the chief editors

  NIKKY: if u fail to do for urself, it fails to do for another

  BRIAN: yes, it’s as simple as that(就这么简单)

  NIKKY: I hate to be simplistic(我不喜欢过分单纯化)

  BRIAN: I know that u r telling me the truth

  NIKKY: when u first approached the publisher and said I have got a book here, u always had all of this trouble and rejections, but if u r confident enough, there will be publishers.(当你和出版社联系的时候,告诉他们你有一本书想出,你总会遇到一些困难和拒绝,但如果你有足够的信心,总会有出版社给你出书的)

  BRIAN: nikky, there is one thing that u don’t understand

  NIKKY: ?

  BRIAN: World Publishing Corp, a publishing company, this’s the company I choose, and I used to think this is the best publishing company in terms of English books.


  NIKKY: small?

  BRIAN: no, now a large-sized publisher(是个大出版社), it has four publisher branches located in cities like Beijing, Shanghai,Guangzhou, Xi’an

  NIKKY: u choose shanghai

  BRIAN: yes, for convenience (方便起见)

  NIKKY: they r fussy about what? (他们对什么挑剔呀?)

  BRIAN: firstly they did have the courage, they picked up the book, and said this is a good book, this is important, and people r going to relate to this, but now they r just too careful(刚开始的时候,他们还是挺有勇气的,看了这书的初稿,他们说这是一本好书,非常重要,会有人感兴趣的,但是现在他们过分谨慎了)

  BRIAN: they r afraid about this, they r afraid about that(担心这,担心那的)

  NIKKY: they don’t want to take on the book again? (他们不想出这本书了么?)

  BRIAN: no, they want, but they need something outside the book, something I should get from SINA.com, u know, I put the agent right to SINA, but now they want it back, that’s it.

  NIKKY: they don’t want any legal troubles(他们不想引起什么法律上的纷争)

  BRIAN: yes, exactly.

  NIKKY: be convinced about that they think too much about the book, brian(相信自己他们还是很看重此书的)

  BRIAN: yes, I am convinced

  NIKKY: and look for some inspiration(寻找一些灵感)

  BRIAN: yes, I am looking for inspiration

Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(四) 专题
英文ICQ狂聊记录§18.8(2002/08/14/ 14:03)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§18.9(2002/08/14/ 14:02)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§18.6(2002/08/07/ 15:58)
《BRIAN美语ICQ》作者出版申明(2002/08/06/ 11:26)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§18.3(2002/08/01/ 17:09)



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