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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 《英语学习》2002年7期 > Something Found in Life

Something Found in Life
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/20 06:26  《英语学习》



  In the past, I always wondered what was the essence of life in this prismatic world. Now I've found the answer—it is love.

  "Son, the world is full of sunshine if your heart is full of love!" These were my dear father's last words. He passed away two years ago, leaving my mother and me crying mournfully, and a poor home. I became mature overnight. I had to worry about my schooling while my classmates were enjoying their holidays. Last summer I decided to go to Shenzhen in the hope of getting a provisional holiday-job there. When I reached the destination, I found Shenzhen was really a charming place. The streets were clean, the roads were wide and flowers were blooming everywhere! Plucking up my courage, I tried many times to get a job, but was turned down again and again. Until then did I realize that to earn money was not an easy thing. Half a month passed, the money in my pocket nearly ran out. I felt so sad and the city seemed to be a little chilly, which had once been beautiful and properous in my eyes. Thinking of the fact that I'll have to leave school, I couldn't control myself, tears spilling from my eyes.

  In despair I went to the railway station to go back. Walking in the street, I passed by a donation-car (the mobile for blood-donation). In a flash, an idea hit me. "Why don't I leave something useful to the people here?" I said to myself, "so that I'll always remember I have been to Shenzhen, no matter whether they know me or not." I stepped forward to donate my fresh blood. The doctors and the nurses gave me a warm welcome. When they saw my student card, they were curious and asked me about my study."I'm not able to continue my study any longer." I replied sadly. I told them about my situation and this job seeking experience."You're obviously a boy of great courage and a boy full of love!"They were greatly moved. They comforted me and sincerely asked me to stay longer.

  They tried hard and in the end found a fund that is now sponsoring my school expense. I really didn't know how to express my thanks to these kind-hearted strangers. They gave me love and chance to continue my study at school. While I'm writing this composition, tears of happiness are rollng down my cheeks again. I feel very happy. I feel I'm engulfed in by the ocean of love! The unselfish and true love!

  Sometimes I hear some people around me complain, "Everyone is wearing a mask in life." "No sunshine. I feel the world is so cold." They say that they're living in a hypocritical world without true love. Maybe while these people are complaining, they forget to put down their own masks and freely offer others with the thing they desire. If one gives love to the world first, the world will reward him more. And he'll find the sunshine everywhere. Love is the impetus of life. Love is the essence of life. Love makes the world go on.


  内容很好,很感人。文字也很通顺、简练,文章最后的结论虽然是大道理,但通过作者的经历还是很有说服力。(北京外国语大学英语教授 熊德倪)

  内容朴素感人,语言朴实流畅。(北京外国语大学英语教授、博士生导师 钱青)

  讲“爱”的文章很多,本文之所以能脱颖而出,其独到之处在于,从一件不大的事,引出一种比较深入的领悟:“爱”是给予,不能只是索要。希望确实有此理解,一辈子受用。文字通顺而不华丽,这更是学习者应做到的。(北京外国语大学英语教授、博士生导师 梅仁义)

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