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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(五) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.4

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/26 11:36  新浪教育

  BRIAN: what is the situation in US? Nikky, tell me sth about it, how many people in america want to lose weight like u, girls, of course.

  NIKKY: a great deal of peole, but the very fat people will have the doctors(特别肥胖的人就需要医生的指导了).

  BRIAN: the doctors will bring up the diet(饮食), and programs(减肥计划)

  NIKKY: yes, in US the norses and doctors are tending toward(趋向) this


  BRIAN: I don’t think the people can deny the foods no matter how obese they r.

  NIKKY: yes, but there a lot of fake foods(垃圾食品)

  BRIAN: study says that eat less, live longer.

  NIKKY: oh, yeah, but it is unknown how much longer people might live.

  BRIAN: that will slow aging.

  NIKKY: that’s true.

  BRIAN: nikky, what’s ur breast size? (你胸围有多少?)

  NIKKY: excuse me?

  BRIAN: sorry, I just want to know ur breast size.

  NIKKY: well, I am blessed with perfect breasts in the size. (我觉得自己的胸围挺满意的。)

  BRIAN: what about the firmness(弹性)?

  NIKKY: u are asking a lot! (你问的太多了。)

  BRIAN: just tell me.

  NIKKY: I guess it’s 37 inches or some(我想有36英寸吧)

  BRIAN: wo, good to image, :) (可以想象)

  NIKKY: ur dude! (你这个花花公子!)

  BRIAN: do u like the shape? (你喜欢她们的形状么?)

  NIKKY: pretty much so. (非常喜欢)

  BRIAN: and ur hip size(臀围) is?

  NIKKY: I didn’t calculate it, guess around 36 or even larger. (我没有计算过,但想应该是36左右吧)

  BRIAN: that’s an standard. (蛮标准的嘛。)

  NIKKY: really?

  BRIAN: really.

  【注】在英语里没有“三围”这个词,如果硬说成three sizes,别人一定不知道你在说什么,这里胸围是breast size,腰围是waist size,臀围是hip size,提醒一句,不要有非分之想,只为学习而论,万不可直接问别人这样隐私的问题,否则真的就成dude了。

  NIKKY: so I need to eat a lot to maintain that. (所以我要多吃才能维持我的体形。)

  BRIAN: yes, something that u shouldn’t be eating, but u’re eating. (是呀,有些不应该吃的东西,却吃了)

  NIKKY: addictions(上瘾)

  BRIAN: yes, addictions, and u have addictions too?

  NIKKY: I have huge addiction for fried food(我简直是对油炸食品爱死了)

  BRIAN: and the selling pralines(果仁糖)on the street corner?

  NIKKY: no, pralines are not my food(不,我不喜欢吃糖)

  BRIAN: don’t like sweets

  NIKKY: no sweets, but I am still a compulsive(禁不住的)eater.


  BRIAN: nikky, is it normal to see the overweight people in US?

  NIKKY: surely

  and there r 300 pounds, 400 pounds and even 500 pounds, and I believe that they r treated like lepers(受蔑视的人).

  BRIAN: they r not welcome?

Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(五) 专题
英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.5(2002/08/26/ 11:35)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.3(2002/08/23/ 13:59)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.2(2002/08/22/ 14:40)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.1(2002/08/20/ 16:14)



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