A)v. to control or limit something insgroupsto prevent it fromshavingsa harmful effect.第一种是作动词用,表示控制,抑制,约束(感情,脾气,开销等)。
例句:The Chinese government has spent five billion yuan, or about 600 million US dollars, in planting trees and grass to curb sandstorms in areas to the north of the cities of Beijing and Tianjin.中国政府投资5亿元人民币,合计约6000万美元,在天津、北京等北方城市种植大量的树木及草地以阻止沙尘暴的泛滥。
B)n. an influence which helps to control or limit something.第二种是作名词,也是解释为控制;约束。
例句:Keep a curb on your anger.抑制住你的怒火。
C)AmE the edge of the part of a roadswherespeople can walk; Kerb BrE.第三种也是作名词,表示路边,人行道边的镶边石;井栏的意思,这个词在英式英语中用kerb表示。