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hot potato/难以处理的局面
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/10/22 10:34  世博英语

  hot potato原来是指烤熟的土豆(baked potato),美国食品,所以美国后来用这个词语来指棘手的问题或难以处理的局面(A problem that's being passed from one person to the next. It especially applies to problem that is tricky to solve or involves unpleasant or risky work.),有点像汉语中的“烫手的山芋”,但汉语中的山芋虽然烫手,却仍然是人人都想要的好东西,而英文中的hot potato则没有人想要,惟恐避之不及。例:

  The Mideast conflict is really a hot potato for all politicians around the world.


  但是,“drop someone like a hot potato”就是“离开某人”“跟某人脱离关系”的意思了。以下两个句子意思差不多:

  The young man dropped her like a hot potato.

  The young man dumped her quickly.

  想来大家对hot的用法比较熟悉了,“She is hot!”就是说“她靓”,hot chicks自然是说“正点的MM”,“a hot city”是说一个城市很繁华,“hot sale”是“热卖”“热销”的意思,但“hot goods”不是“热销的商品”,而是指“偷盗来的物品”(stolen products),“hot off the press”就是“刚出炉的报纸”,如果有人“hot on your heels”就是“亦步亦趋地紧跟着你”,被一条大狼狗这么跟着可不是好事,“hot stuff”是指校花一类的人物了,知名度高、且很性感的(very popular and sexy person),你要老是“hot on her heels”,她就会变脸—“hot tempered”(quick to lose her temper),美人一发火,就有你好看的了,让你坐“热板凳”(on the hot seat),就是“给你麻烦”“让你感到难堪”的意思(源自处决死刑犯的电椅),”You then ended up on the hot seat.”于是,你的丑事立时成了一个“hot topic”。

  Potato的各种说法,大家也不会非常陌生,如“couch potato”—“爱看电视的人”(整日躺在沙发上,吃着土豆条,眼睛像块土豆一样盯着电视机),“small potato”小人物,“potato-headed”傻瓜,“clean potato”好人(干净,与贪官相对),不过,不知为什么,在19世纪的时候,“a hot potato”指的是“男招待”或“男管家”(a waiter or domestic butler)。另外,“hot potato”也是一种儿童游戏的名称,有点像我们的“丢手绢”,是不是可以直译为“丢土豆”?下面一段文字则是把这个游戏用到一味推卸责任的电脑售后服务上去了:

  "Hot potato" is a kids game. They throw a ball to each other, pretending it's a potato freshly removed from the barbeque. The object is to get rid of it quick as you can. Kind of like a help-line employee with a ten call per hour quota. "Oh, it doesn't work with Turbo C? It's Borland's problem". "Oh, it happened when you installed a new printer? It's a hardware problem". "Oh, you have an aftermarket alternator? That's the problem". Just get rid of the problem fast!

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