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Beauty and the Beach
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/10/29 13:30  空中美语




  Originally played on California's shores by fun-loving beachgoers to decide who would buy the beer, beach volleyball has since evolvedsintosa serious sport. Seriously skilled and beautiful athletes are serving it up, often for substantial amounts of money.

  With participants dressed in bikinis and tight swimming trunks, athletic ability is not the only thing on display. The tanned and toned bodies of beach volleyball players suggest carefree, healthy lifestyles. Not surprisingly, corporate sponsors have been unable to resist beach volleyball, and have awarded lucrative contracts to the game's sexiest players.

  But portraying athletes as Baywatch-like hunks and babes concerns critics, who argue that doing so makes the players seem like "objects." But for the players themselves, the controversy is minor. They are serving, volleying, and blocking balls not for amusement, endorsements, or beer, but for the love of a game that lets them demonstrate their athletic skills while \having\ fun in the sun.

沙滩排球 魅力无处不在





  1. trunk n.男用游泳裤

  2. tanned and toned adj.古铜色而结实的

  3. corporate sponsor n.企业赞助商

  4. hunk n.美男子

  5. endorsement n.代言

空中美语 专栏
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1. substantial

adj. large in amount or degree 大量的
A substantial number of people celebrated in Times Square.

2. on display

in a place that is able to be seen by many people 展示;陈列
My teacher put my painting on display, so other classes could see it.

3. carefree

having no worries or responsibilities 无忧无虑的
Young children are lucky because their lives are so carefree.


v. to stop oneself from having or doing sth. one wants 克制;忍住
I couldn't resist bringing the small puppy home with me.

5. lucrative

adj. producing a large amount of money 有利的,赚钱的
The movie business can be very lucrative.

6. controversy

n. a dispute among people of opposing views 争议
Madonna has caused a lot of controversy during her long career.


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