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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《英语学习》2002年12期 > 吝啬鬼邓肯

Miser Duncan
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/09 14:00  《英语学习》

  On the death of his wealthy old father, Duncan inherited<注1> a lot of money and property, but though his father had always been a very generous man, Duncan was of a very different character.<注2> In fact, a lot of people who knew him called him a miser<注3>.

  This was not quite right, because misers usually spend as little of their wealth on themselves as they give away. But Duncan was not like that at all.<注4> He had always liked to feel rich; to have the best of everything for himself, go to the best restaurants, stay in the best hotels, have beautiful houses and expensive holidays.

  Duncan had never had a job, and while his father was alive, he had at first been kept on rather a small allowance.<注5> Duncan had asked his father several times whether he could increase this, but his father knew about the young man's extravagant<注6> ways and in his wisdom, always refused to do so.

  But then, when Duncan was twenty-one, the old man, who was already sixty-five and retired, suggested that he should marry. "I'm feeling old,"he said to his son, "And I'd like to see some grandchildren before I die.

  Duncan was not keen to have the expense of a wife, and then children, but his father said, "If you marry, I'll increase your allowance in exchange."<注7>

  "By how much?"Duncan said. "Life and children cost a lot of money."

  His father, laughed and answered, "I'll multiply it by three."<注8>

  "All right,"said Duncan. He already had a girlfriend, so he asked her to marry him, and she agreed.

  But Duncan did not spend much of his increased allowance on his wife, nor on his children when they came.<注9> His wife always smelt expensive, because Duncan loved to have the luxury of the best scents around him,<注10> but he did not give her any jewellery, saying that she would inherit plenty when his mother died. His wife did not feel very happy about this, as Duncan's mother was only forty-five years old.

  Duncan also continued to spend as much money as he could get on luxuries for himself.

  One day he had just had lunch by himself at a very expensive restaurant,swheresevery dish always tasted perfect, and had walked past the doorman<注11>, who had brought his car to the front for him, without giving him a tip.

  The doorman, who looked splendid in his beautiful uniform, helped himsintoshis car and then said politely, "In case you lose your wallet on your way home, sir, please remember that you didn't pull it out of your pocket here."<注12>

《英语学习》2002年12期 专题
青少年与报业(2003/01/07/ 10:57)
她把美丽带给人间(2003/01/03/ 11:14)
星满夜空(2003/01/02/ 11:13)
《日本时报》前主编访谈录(2002/12/31/ 12:05)


1. inherit:继承(传统、遗产、权利等)。

2.邓肯的性格非常不同。character:(人的)品德,性格。通常用be of a ... character表示人的性格。如:He is of a lofty character.他有高尚的品德。

3. miser:守财奴,吝啬鬼。



6. extravagant:奢侈的,浪费的。

7.邓肯对花钱娶妻生子并不热衷,但他的父亲说:“如果你结婚,作为交换,我会增加你的零用钱。”keen:渴望的,热衷的;in exchange:作为交换。

8.我会加到3倍。multiply by three: (在原来的基础上)乘以3,即增加到原来的3倍。



11. doorman:门卫。



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