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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 今天你听懂了吗

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/12 09:57  世博英语



  At this time, if you were a student, you would be able to raise a question: Hello, sir! Can you repeat? I didn't catch you!


  1. Do I make sense?听得懂吗?

  Suppose you are a teacher, you have to make sure that the students have a clear understanding of what you have taught. So usually at the end of the explanation, you would raise a question, like: Do i make sense?


  I got it. So here the phrase "make sense" means "to make someone understand".

  我想这里大家可以简单总结一下我们知道的表示“听得懂”的短语:We have:

  Do you understand?

  Are you clear?

  Do I make sense?

  Can you catch it?

  Have you got my idea?

  这些句子一定要经常挂在嘴边,使用的时候要脱口而出,to blurt out!

  2. It is above my head.我不懂!

  Of course, while I was talking about the first sentence, I gave you an example. That is: Do I make sense? When the students really can understand me, they can answer: Yeah, I got it. But if they cannot understand, they probably would say: Wow, it is above my head!对了,It is above my head.

  这句话的意思很明显,above one's head,在某人的大脑之上,当然是说超出某人的理解能力。

  Here is an example: When I was a freshman in college, I began to study advanced mathematics. Calculation is above my head. Finally it is quite natural that I fail in maths again and again. But fortunately enough, I can learn English well.

  另外,给大家补充一个短语,above oneself,这个短语如果从字面意思看,应该是超出某人自己,可以想象,如果某人说话的时候超出了他自己,那么肯定是过于自大的那一种类型。So, please don't be above yourself!不要过于自大,When you are beginning to know the theory of modesty, you will gradually make a bunch of friends.

  今天学了两句话,Can you understand? or Do I make sense? If you think they are above your head, please replay it and if you say yes, please wait for the next program: NO.41! Good bye!


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