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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第一册 > Lesson One之习语篇

Lesson One之习语篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/12 17:57  新浪教育

  VCU=Very Commonly Used很常用

  SU=Sometimes Used有时用

  RU=Rarely Used不常用

  Retell the stories in English using the provided expressions, and then paraphrase the highlighted idioms:

  1.go places: VCU

  - Wow,你看到今天训练时(at practice)篮球队(team)的那个新队员了吗?

  - Yeah,他是新来的学生。他真是一个很棒的(amazing)球员。他可以从三分线(3-point line)以外远投(shoot the ball) or突破上篮(dribble it/into/the hoop) and灌篮(dunk)。他防守(play defense)也很棒。训练的时候他阻挡(block)了10次投篮(shot)。这个孩子真是大有前途(go places)

  -我知道,他肯定(definitely)会成为一个成功的篮球运动员。他将来很有可能到NBA打球(make it into)。

  2. be the teacher's pet: VCU

  - You know ,Sue,我觉得真不公平,化学课上我一直在举手(raise hand)要回答问题,but老师从来不叫(call on)我。Ms. Brown总是叫Sally帮她做演示(demonstrations) and解答家庭作业的问题。

  -别这样(come) Mary!每个人都知道Sally是teacher's pet。每堂课我都要忍受她(have had with),她永远是老师青睐的学生(favorite)。

  -我知道,但是这不公平啊!老师应该让更多的同学参加到课堂中来(get…involved with) instead of只叫自己喜欢的学生。

  3. get one's foot in the door: VCU

  - John,你认识的人里有谁在New York较大的图书出版公司(book publishing)工作吗?

  - Hmmm,我不太清楚(not sure if)。怎么?有什么事吗?

  - Well,我刚完成我的第一本小说and我把手稿(manuscript)寄到出版社,希望(in hopes of)它能在某个出版社出版。But这很难and竞争太激烈了。没有人给我回(reply)电话或信。我一直在想(wonder)你认识出版社方面的人,'cause这样至少(at least)能帮我迈出成功的第一步(get one's foot in the door)

  - Ok,让我想想看(think)我认识的人有谁在纽约出版界(industry)工作。I know你的意思(mean),认识一个联系人(contact person)总是更容易(make it easier)得到面试的机会or引起出版社内部人士的注意(attention, someone on the inside)。

  4. not one's cup of tea: VCU

  - Hi John,我当时在想(wonder)你是不是愿意和我一起去参加下周的移动电话新技术研讨会(conference on )呢?

  - Thanks, but你了解(know)我,高科技的那些玩意儿(gadgets)我不感兴趣(not one's cup of tea)。我是个画家,我更喜欢那些与艺术相关(related to, than)的事物而不是与技术相关的事物。

  -你对技术不感兴趣这太糟糕了(that, bad, interested )。看看Japan, Korea, Sweden and the United States新一代(new generation)产品会很有意思的。

  5. see eye to eye: VCU

  ?我不明白,Tom,你怎么会选(vote) Mr. Jones当公司的CEO而不选Mr. Richards呢(instead)?

  -Well,我是Mr. Jones'的好朋友and我希望他能成功(see, successful)。

  -But Mr. Richards更胜任(far more qualified)这个工作。大家都知道这一点。I guess我们真是对此看法不一致(see eye to eye on this issue) We are just going to只好意见不同了(disagree)。

Guess the meaning of the highlighted expression from each context.

  1.rub salt in the wound: SU

  - When Richard was telling Patrick about how much money he made last year in the stock market, I felt a little bit like he was trying to rub salt//into//the wound. I mean, everyone knows Patrick lost almost 50,000 dollars in his stock portfolio because the NASDAQ fell so low.

  - I agree. It did seem like Richard was deliberately trying to make Patrick feel bad.

  2.put one's best foot forward: SU

  - I spoke with my university adviser today. He didn't really give me any good advice for my job interviews. I was hoping he would give me specific ideas on how to present myself and how to write my resume. Basically, he just told me to put my best foot forward when I meet the employers at the interview for the first time.

  - That's not really helpful advice. Everyone knows that you need to look and act your best at an interview to make a good impression.

  3.get one's ducks in a row: SU

  - Mike, do you want to go to the summer festival with us this weekend We're leaving Friday night and will come back on Sunday.

  - Gee, Shirley, I'd love to go, but I'm leaving for a long business trip on Monday. This weekend I really just need to stay at home and get my ducks in a row.

  - Oh, I didn't know you were leaving next week. Sure, I understand. You'd better stay home to pack and get your things organized before you go traveling. Good luck!

    Lesson one相关章节链接:
    Lesson One之对话篇
    Lesson One之定义篇(口语化)
 Lesson One之抢答篇

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