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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/20 10:31  世博英语


  Gathering of the Faithful

  Feb. 11 - At sundown on Monday, they began their descent from the rocky slopes of Mount Arafat in the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia - a vast sea of humanity in pristine white robes collectively cleansed of its sins after completing a central ritual of the annual hajj pilgrimage.

  It's just one in a detailed list of prescribed rituals that make up the hajj, an awesome display of faith that sees millions of Muslims of different racial, linguistic and cultural backgrounds from more than 70 countries gather together in an essentially egalitarian community,swheresall Muslims are brothers and sisters.

  For the Saudi authorities, guardians of Islam's holiest sites, the hajj is at once a gala public relations event and a massive logistical headache.

  In a conservative country,swheresat normal times a potential influx of outsiders is kept firmly in check by a strict entry visa policy, the hajj sees an estimated 1.3 million non-Saudi citizens make their waysintosthe oil-rich kingdom.

  A little over a year after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, with the threat of a widely unpopular attack on Iraq looming, the fear this year is that a mammoth gathering of Muslims could serve as a recruiting ground for al Qaeda sympathizers. In a worldswheresthe U.S.-led war on terror has dominated the global agenda, security has been a major concern during the hajj.








  【本节要点】descent, hajj, pilgrimage, loom


  题目中的the faithful,意即“(宗教)信徒,教徒”,注意两个字要连用。如果单用faithful,则表示“忠实信徒,追随者”,如:old party faithfuls,忠实的老党员。

  第一节中,…began their descent from…中的descent,是descend (下来,下降)的名词形式。此外,这个词还可以指“出身,血统”,如:a person of African descent一个非洲血统的人;以及“袭击”,或“突然访问”,如:a sudden descent by tax officials税务官员的突然造访。下面a vast sea of humanity中humanity,是人类的总称。Pristine,“干净的,清洁的”。最后的the annual hajj pilgrimage,hajj,是由阿拉伯语而来,意思是“到麦加朝圣”。而到麦加朝圣的信徒就叫做hajji. Pilgrimage,作为名词是“朝圣,朝觐,到圣地或神殿去的旅行”,作为动词就是“去朝圣,去追寻”。而pilgrim就是“朝圣者,朝觐者”的意思。

  第二节中,prescribed rituals中的prescribe,“规定,指定”。如:The law prescribes that all children must go to school.法律规定所有儿童必须接受教育。an essentially egalitarian community中,egalitarian“平等主义的”.

  第三节,a massive logistical headache,logistical,“后勤的”,headache,“引起麻烦或烦恼的事情”,可以理解为worry, vexation, pest, trouble等。

  第四节中,请注意the hajj sees an estimated…英语中常用这种无生命的地点或时期做主语,表示在某地方或某一时期发生,或经历了某事件。又如:Her long reign saw the heyday of verbal humor.她长时间统治期间为口语幽默的全盛期。The fifth century saw the end of the Roman Empire in the West.五世纪时罗马帝国在西方崩溃了。

  最后再说说最末一节的loom,这个词用来形容某个事物阴森地、有威胁性地逼近,或隐约出现,如:The threat of war loomed over the country.战争的阴影在向这个国家逼近。


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