辽宁教育出版社于2003年1月出版了《王强口语》系列丛书,丛书共三册,并分别配有语音磁带,适合不同程度的英语学习者使用。以下是《王强口语》第一册第六课的习语篇部分。 |
Commonly Used 很常用
Used 有时用
RU=Rarely Used
Retell the stories in English using the provided expressions, and then
paraphrase the highlighted idioms: |
start off on the wrong foot: VCU
-结果还不错,but开头有些不太顺利 (turn out,
start off on the wrong foot)。
-Well,我去她家接她的时候 (pick up),我们吵了一架 (get
in an argument),because她觉得我粗鲁,没什么绅士样 (not, gentleman),so约会一开始不太对劲 (start
off,well)。But到了最后(by the end)一切都好起来了,and我们最后(end up)玩得很开心。
2. back to
square one: VCU
-我现在有点沮丧 (frustrated),我没有签成一个合同
(contract, successful)。三个月谈判 (negotiation)下来我连一个客户 (client)也没得到。我觉得 (feel
like) 又回到原地了 (back to square one)。我觉得我又得重新开始了
(start all over)。
3. start from
scratch: VCU
-想想看像Apple或Dell Computer这样国际知名的成功企业(internationally,company)一开始全是在车库(garage)或大学宿舍里白手起家的
(start from scratch),这真让人赞叹(impressive)。你能相信他们是从一无所有做起来的吗
(start out )?
-Wow! No,我并不知道。一切从零开始建公司一定很难辛 (hard
work, build form zero)。他们是怎么做的呢?
-Steve Jobs和他的合伙人(partner) 在California
的一个车库里用一个木盒子中造出了第一台苹果电脑(build, out of), and now他都们已成了百万富翁。And Michael
Dell是通过在他大学宿舍 (dormitory) 里给同学们装电脑开创了他的著名电脑公司(start, assemble)。Now他也是美国最富有的人之一了。
4. second to
none: VCU
-你在市中心 (downtown) 新开的那家牛排 (steak)
-No, 还没有,but我还真想去尝尝 (would
like)。我听说他们的牛肉质量最好(beef, excellent quality),比哪家的都好 (second
to none)。
-Yes,它的确 (certainly)
是全城最好的馆子。他们的牛排都是当天从Argentina and America进口的 (daily, import )。
5. be a drag
Party Host:大家都玩得高兴吗(fun)?开这个宴会真是个
(turn out) 好主意。看那些人谈笑风生(talk and laugh)。每个人看上去都很尽兴 (seem time)。
now很多人都喝醉了,我不再觉得有什么好玩的了。Besides, 明天早上我还要早起。
Rose:别这样(come),Jack,别让人扫兴了 (be
a drag)!我们再呆一会儿。每个人都玩的很开心and你是惟一一个想走的人(only,
Guess the
meaning of the highlighted expression from each context. |
oil on troubled water(s): RU
- You know, Susan? It seems to me that
being a mother is very difficult and tricky sometimes. I see all these kids
in the park throwing fits and I often wonder what I would do to handle the
situation if I were one of those mothers. What do you do when your daughter
starts screaming?
- I know what you mean, and believe
me, it's not easy. When Susie is throwing a fit I usually play her favorite
cartoon video and she calms down immediately. It doesn't solve the problem
completely, but at least pours oil on troubled
water and gives me time to think of a better solution. The real
problem is when she throws a fit and there's no VCR in sight.
2. quick and dirty:
- This project is sure taking a long
time. Don't you wish that we could finish it in 3 weeks and then move on to
the next one?
- Sure, that would be nice. We would
be making money faster. But one thing I've learned about this business is
that it pays off to be thorough and take your time to finish a project well.
If you choose the quick and dirty
approach you will finish faster but end up with a product of a much lesser
quality. We're better off taking our time.
3. whys and
wherefores of something:
- Have I ever told you about the time
when my car broke down in the middle of the highway and I had to wait there
for four hours until your mother was able to come and pick me up? Lots of
things happened during those five hours, I'm telling you.
- Yes, Dad, I'm very interested in
hearing that story, but you don't have to getsintosthe
whys and wherefores of it. Try to keep it
short, please.
- Oh, don't worry. Even if I wanted to
tell you all the details of why things happened the way they did, I wouldn't
remember myself. I wish I did, though, but it's been a long time. |
Lesson Six相关链接 |
Six之对话篇 |
Six之定义篇 |
Six之抢答篇 |