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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 患难见真情

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/14 10:02  世博英语

  本课您将学到:假装(pretend)怎么装,one…the other/some…others句型


  今天我们来读其中的一篇,The Hikers(徒步旅行者)。

  Two friends were hiking when they encountered(遇到) a bear. Frightened(受惊的) and thinking only of himself, one of the hikers climbed a tree. With no time to hide(藏), the other hiker threw himself on the ground and pretended(假装) to be dead. The bear approached(靠近) and sniffed(嗅) around his head. The man remained(保持) calm, holding his breath until the bear walked away.

  With the bear out of sight, the hiker in the tree came down. He asked his friend if the bear had said anything, since the bear had put its mouth to his friend's ear.“As a matter of fact,”the hiker who had been on the ground replied,“it told me not to trust people who abandon(抛弃) their friends in difficult times.”

  Moral(寓意): Adversity(逆境) tests the sincerity(真诚) of friends.


  hike意思是徒步旅行,远足,现在是个踏青的好时节,就可以说:It's a good season for hiking.后面加上r,变成hiker,就是指远足旅行的人,题目tow hikers意思就是“两个徒步旅行者的故事”。

  两个朋友在徒步旅行时遇到了一只熊。(Two friends were hiking when they encountered a bear.)由于受到惊吓(Frightened)和人类天生的自私心理(thinking only of himself),一个人爬上了树。(one of the hikers climbed a tree.)

  with是介词,这里引导原因状语从句,意思是“由于、因为”,如:They were wild with joy.(他们欣喜若狂。)由于没时间躲藏(With no time to hide),另一个人就躺到在地上(threw himself on the ground,threw是through的过去式)装死(pretended to be dead)。Pretend是“假装”的意思,通常有两种句式:

  pretend + that从句,如:He pretended that he was innocent.他假装无辜。

  Pretend + to be + adj.,如:He pretended to be friendly with me.他假装对我友善。

  熊走近他,在他的脑袋四周嗅来嗅去。这名男子保持镇静(remained calm),屏住呼吸(holding his breath)直到熊走远。(这个方法虽然危险,可是很灵验,因为熊向来很自负,从来不吃死了的食物。)

  叫别人别太激动,平静下来,我们常说Calm down, please.

  Hold one's breath意思是“屏息而待”,如:All Europe held its breath to see who would win the election.全欧洲屏息而待,看谁能赢得这场选举。

  在熊远离视线后(With the bear out of sight),树上的人爬了下来。(in the tree修饰the hiker)他问他的朋友,熊是不是对他说了些什么(if the bear had said anything因为这个动作应发生在ask之前,而ask是过去时,所以,“过去的过去”发生的动作,就要用过去完城时),因为熊把嘴贴近了他朋友的耳朵。(since the bear had put its mouth to his friend's ear.)

  “事实上(As a matter of fact),”那个躺在地上的人说,(who had been on the ground修饰the hiker)“它告诉我,别相信那些在朋友有难时抛弃他们的人。”(who abandon their friends in difficult times修饰people)



  one…the other…一个……另一个……

  I have two sisters . One is a doctor . the other is college student .


  He had a book in one hand , and a ball in the other .



  Some students like painting , other like music .



  This is too large . Show me some others , please .


  Don't lend it to others .



  当others前面加上了定冠词the变成了the others,就表示特指某范围内的“其他的人或物”。如:

  A few of those in white are doctors , the others are nurses .


  We got home by 5 o'clock , but the others didn't get back until 7 o'clock .



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