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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 开口ABC > “鼻子”底下一条“路”

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/05 18:30  开口ABC

  Most people in western countries are happy to give directions to anyone who approaches them on the street. An exception, however, might be during rush hour when people are in a hurry to get to work or to return home. If you go to a western country like England or the United States, hopefully you won't even need to ask for directions. Primarily for reasons related to national security, in the 1900's the U.S. government invested in constructing a comprehensive national highway network. Today there are well-developed highways that allow you to drive all over the country. The highway infrastructure in the U.S. was designed so that you can easily figure out how to get to any city in the country as long as you know how top read a map.



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