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Monger's Business
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/05 15:17  开口ABC

  主要演员(Actors):成功商人蒙哥(Monger),秘书麦丝小姐(Ms. Mess),老美"秃鹰"先生(Buzzard)

  人物介绍(Character ):

  蒙哥(Monger) :姓马,自诩是郑和的后代,祖先在明朝时就7次下西洋,自己天生就是一块与海外做生意的料;脾气好,对秘书Mess甚为纵容;乐呵呵,常常在工作中闹出一些笑料.*注:郑和是回族人;蒙哥的籍贯一栏填的都是"汉"




  这不, Buzzard先生刚刚下榻MISSION饭店,就拿起电话播通了蒙哥的办公室……

  Episode One

  Make an Appointment




  M: Hello, Energy Incorporated. Mess speaking!

  B: Hello, this is Buzzard Jones of Shark Import & Export Corporation.

  M: Oh, yes. I remember. Three days ago you sent us a fax from America.

  B: That's right. I got you information from the representative office of CCPIT in America. In my fax, I express my desire to build business relationship with your company.

  M: That's great. I am the Senior Secretary. I wish I could help you.

  B: Thanks. I am expecting an opportunity to meet you manager and…

  M: Sorry, he is not in now. He is on business and he won't be back until tomorrow morning.

  B: Would you like to take a message for me?

  M: Sure.

  B: I'm in China now. I will be free at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. If possible, please arrange an appointment for me.M: OK. You come directly to our company or…

  B: It's better in my place. I live in International Trade Hotel. I will meet your manager in the lobby of the hotel.

  M: OK. I will confirm this with our manager tomorrow morning and give you a reply.

  B: Thanks so much.


  第一集 电话预约

  M=麦丝 F=Buzzard















  Episode One Business Introduction

  M=Monger W=Waiter B=Buzzard






  B: Hello, are you the representative of Energy Incorporated?


  M: Yes, I am. You must be Mr. Buzzard.

  B: That's right. It's a pleasure to meet you !

  M: It's a pleasure to meet you, too !


  B: Would you like to introduce yourself to me ?

  M: Yeah. First, let me introduce myself, my name is Monger MA, I am the Senior Manager of Energy Incorporated…


  W: (对蒙哥说) Here's our free water for you…Oh, I am sorry, sir ! (侍者不小心把水都泼在蒙哥身上,立即尖叫道)It's my fault !

  M: Uhhhh…that's okay.(蒙哥整理衣服)

  W: I'm very sorry, sir. I'll get you a towel immediately. (侍者转身离开)B: So careless a waiter!

  M: Yes. (深表同感的)

  B: OK. Go on our topic. Just now, you are introducing yourself to me. Have you ever heard of me?


  M: Yes. I've heard a lot about you.


  W: Here's the towel. Can I get you any other drinks?

  B: I'll have a red wine. What would you like, Mr.MA?

  M: I'll have a white wine.

  W: Yes, of course.


  M: Then, would you mind telling how many people are there in your company?

  B: 20 million! (老美肯定是在吹牛)

  M: Oh, so many! That is in China or in the whole world?

  B: In America.

  W: Here's your wine. (又把酒都泼在了蒙哥身上) Oh, I can't believe this. I'm so sorry!


  B: Oh, watch what you're doing!!

  W: I feel very sorry, sir ! I will get the towel! (侍者急急忙忙离开)

  B: (对蒙哥说) You should call his manager .

  M: That's all right! Let's go on our topic.


  B: OK.

  M: Do you do import and export?

  B: We only do import. There is no export business in our company. Do you think there is any cooperation on this point between us?

  M: Yes. On behalf of our company, we're very happy to have you here.

  B: I'm glad to be here too.

  M: May I say that our company, Energy Incorporated, looks forward to a long and beneficial relationship with you.

  B: Yes, I hope that we can work together happily and successfully.


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